The year 2010 was the year for me when I was spearheading a big project and working through deadlines. There was a critical issue which did ensure that my tech team had to work round the clock and even though my presence was not required to be with them I was still awake because the issue dealt in hand was serious and was of our biggest client. During the quiet night I was trying to keep myself occupied and stay awake. So, I was trying to bounce off some ideas and contemplating how to ensure something like this never does happen again in the future.
Even though I did enjoy my job and felt nice interacting with some of the brightest minds in the fortune 500 companies something deep inside me was always asking if this was something I would want to do for the rest of my life. Since my heart did tell me No, I knew that sooner than later I had to find my purpose and follow my calling.
I did bounce a lot of ideas which did look promising but somehow, I was not 100% into the idea of doing business for the sheer financial gain. I looked at doing something bigger in nature which could have a deep effect with people around me. I was a big fan of Tony Robbins and had been exposed to his books and audio tapes. Somehow, I was fascinated by how people can be given direction and made to perform better than they do believe by just working with them with an inside out approach.
Many a time, Tony Robbins used to be my guardian angel when I used to work late or early in the morning. I had made it a point to convert all his audio cassettes (Yes, I do belong to the Audio Cassette era) into Mp3 files which I could play on my system. I was deeply fascinated by his thoughts on how he used to work with Entrepreneurs, CEO’s and large groups of people to instill in them a strong belief system which could make them perform at an extraordinary level.
During one of his audio chapters I did hear him speaking out that as Life Coach how he found his calling. Now during 2010 the term Life coach was some thing new in India and I did not have any reference to speak to since no one was practicing this as a full-time profession whom I could reach out to. So that is when I did realize that I had to look for answers and begin my journey from taking the help and advice of people from outside India.
This got me do a deep dive on what being a Life coach was and how could one become one. One got me to the other and in no time, I was looking at a pretty long road of being certified and learning the required skills to work with people as their Life coach. I knew then that it would take me about 12-15 months to hit the ground running and boy, I was ready for it. Making up my mind was far easier because of one big factor.
I had Zero Liability on me then and could manage to swim against the tide for the next 2 years at the least without a salary. Once these things were clear it was an easy decision for me to make and finally in the month of July 2010, I decided that I must move away from the corporate job forever. My family, boss and colleagues were disappointed because I did not have anything in hand but just an idea that I would want to become an Entrepreneur and do something on my own. Even during my notice period, I was asked a couple of times If I would want to reconsider my decision, but I was firm in my decision. I knew that it was now or never. I did take the leap of faith. I knew deep down that I was listening to my own gut and strongly believed that I would make the decision right come what may ever.
I would be lying to myself and to you all If I did say that the idea of moving out of my corporate life did begin in 2010.I did think about this couple of years back but like most of you who are contemplating now to quit your job or work on your passion I just heard the small voice of not being ready and not to give up on a job which did ensure a steady paycheck by the end of the month. This one reason along with a couple of equally good reasons made me shelve my plans of working on my passion.
However, in life there are times that one incident or a conversation is certain to trigger the spark which if channelized properly can become a roaring fire. For me I suppose it was in the year 2010 and I have kept it at it now. As I am typing these words on my laptop its been close to a decade now and I can’t be happier for the decision I did take of becoming an entrepreneur. Yes there are challenges one will face when there is no safety net to bounce back in life but believe me once we go behind our true calling then nothing can stop us from reaching our glory.
Over the years I have seen that if you run behind money and fame then you are always trying to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. However, when you begin the journey with a clear conscious and a will to make a difference in this world, it is just a matter of time before more money and fame will come your way more than you have imagined. This is something I have come across with hundreds of people and do not find any reason as to why it should not happen to you and me.
What I am doing now is something which I could only dream of couple of years back like
1.Working from any part of the world while coaching Clients
2.Not travel to work since my workplace is just one floor above my house
3.Get an opportunity to work with some of the biggest C level Leaders across the world
4.Work to my schedule and plan my day according to my own pace.
5.Never felt like I am working for a single day over the last one decade since I am passionate about what I am doing
6.Make time for my hobbies which I cherish the most
7.Enough “ME time” during the day to work on my big goals
Now tell me if all this has not inspired you to work on your passion then what else can??? If you are someone who is contemplating working on your passion or want your team to work to their passion then you will be happy to know that we have over the last few months worked with some of the biggest names in the IT industry to build Accountability and passion in their respective teams.
You can get a glimpse of one of the Interventions in this video conducted at Infosys …
Are you looking at some thing similar for you and your team then I would highly recommend you to just click on the below link to schedule a No obligation Intervention for your team where we can come and demonstrate how working with an inside out approach can do magic to you and your team.
Just click on the link to schedule a No obligation Intervention with me and my team. We will personally connect with you online owing to the present pandemic situation and do a complimentary Strategic Intervention for your team and based on their feedback we can begin to work on your and companies’ biggest goals.
Complimentary Strategic Intervention
Are you ready for the change you have been always been aspiring for?? If yes, then today is the time to take massive action.
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1. Exclusive one on one coaching call
2. One week of personalized coaching on your area of challenge
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