Why Antioxidants is the Key

Are you aware that the stress we put on ourselves on a daily basis creates so many free radicals, that we eventually become unstable @ the cellular level.

This means that in the process of not handling our stress, we …

Are you knocking on the Burnout door?

Burnouts are common nowadays with stress level’s hitting the roof. It is related to feelings of monotony, lack of motivation and a drive to move on. This sort of burnout can creep up on you, slowly changing the way you …

Simple truth about exercise

Everyone knows that regular exercise is good not only from a physical standpoint but also from an emotional level. However somewhere in the journey called life, we tend to ignore this. Are you guilty of walking the same path ? …

What and when you eat does matter for a healthy life

Most of us are bombarded with info about what to to eat for good health. However I will be touching upon something more critical regarding when to eat the right kind of food.

This according to me helps in maximizing …

How being fit & going green complement each other

As some of you already know, over the last few years I have been working on making my life simpler.I have tried to achieve this, by working towards being fitter,healthier and most importantly becoming a complete vegetarian. All these things …

Some easy habits to develop for a healthy Life

Our lifestyle around us is changing so rapidly that it has become  a major concern. We are compromising on our health, upkeep of which is not such a struggle as so many people do  put across. Ask me how? Well …

Make 2013 the year of change .

What caught my attention in one of the daily’s this morning was that 3 out of the top 5 New Year resolutions was health related. It started off with being fit to improve health and ended with losing weight. With …

Some simple exercise programs for beginner’s

It’s been a long journey with regular exercise now very much a part of my daily life. This has drastically improved my overall life. Exercise can be just about anything which has some kind of movement. Yoga gets included in …

Lean and Fit is the In thing

When this question is asked to people, I am sure that more than 80 percent want to become lean and fit, including me. Working on this health goal is not Rocket science but it requires some careful adjustments in our …

The magic in waking up early

I have found that waking up early was one of the best things I have done when I started to change my Life. The magic is not only in greeting the new dawn but also in getting a couple of

How to plan for a doable exercise regimen

Most of the people i interact nowadays who is in pretty poor physical fitness level has got the Only excuse other than lack of time  is that they are not able to plan and implement a doable exercise regimen be