Here Is How To Reset The Clock Of Aging

Every now and then when I interact with New Gen Entrepreneurs or Corporate Executives  one thing is certain that most are lot less healthy than the previous generations.

Being fit affects how you look, the way you move and eventually …

How Exercise changed me from inside out

Are you someone who knows that you need to exercise regularly, but somehow can’t make time for it? Well don’t worry; I too was stuck with the same predicament a couple of years ago.

First things first – remember that …

Work yourself towards healthy aging

Do you assume that you are too out of shape, sick, tired or just too old to exercise & in the bargain avoid it completely?

Well most think like this, even in their mid 40s & 50’s.As with everything age …

What is your Wellness Quotient?

Do you focus on being more healthy in the mind or the body? Well you will be surprised to know that most focus on being healthier physically. However wellness is nothing, but being in top notch shape both in the …

Why Antioxidants is the Key

Are you aware that the stress we put on ourselves on a daily basis creates so many free radicals, that we eventually become unstable @ the cellular level.

This means that in the process of not handling our stress, we …

What you should not do in 2014 – Health wise

Most of the New Year resolutions fail, because people try to fit in too many things onto their plate. Recent studies show that we have only so much willpower and trying to break many habits at once is not practical.…

Work on your body to improve any situation

Are you stressed out due to situations around you and feel that you are walking through a minefield most part of the day? Well at most times when you begin to work things from the inside, you give yourself a …

Meditation:The key to Emotional Well-being

I am a big advocate of the meditation habit. Most of my clients and readers would have realized by now that I believe that meditation is a great way to begin & end one’s day. In fact, I would even …

How to stay on the lasting road of Wellness

This is for those of you who have reached the pinnacle of your goals, say a healthy body weight ratio, toned body or even running a marathon. What do you do after you accomplish success? Does time suddenly come to …

Why being fit is not complicated

I had an interesting discussion on fitness with one of my callers who had tried everything under the sun to become fit but had failed in the effort. She mentioned that Health & fitness was way too complicated. Well as …

Simple steps to make your Brain more efficient

For all practical purposes Your brain is still a muscle and I strongly believe that, just like certain exercises activate the muscles in a body, doing certain things on a daily basis makes your brain sharper. I have experienced this …

Yoga for Gen X to Z

When I started practicing Yoga about 2 years back, I never dreamt that one day I would be sitting with my Laptop on a wonderful Tuesday afternoon and going Ga Ga about it. Even though I don’t consider myself an