My All Time 25 Fitness Tips

When it comes to being healthy there is definitely no “one glove fits all”. However since I have been working with people over the years closely who are stressed and are pushed towards living an unhealthy lifestyle some of these …

Be So Positive That Negativity Doesn’t Affect You!

Of late, the phrases “Be positive”, “Life is awesome!”, “I am really excited!” and so on have become quite common. Sometimes, it may seem like how can anyone be so positive all the time?

Are people merely putting on an …

How To Prepare Your Mind For Peak Performance

There isn’t a lot of difference between YOU and Virat Kohli.

Both of you are required to perform at your highest levels continually. People higher in the food-chain expect you to produce the best results and questions are asked when …

Are you balanced in life?

Working on being balanced in life is different for each one of us. Most according to me want to be productive in their professional or personal lives by not compromising much in their Emotional & physical states.

Maintaining a fine …

Develop an Abundance Mindset

Are you aware that the more you cling onto things in your life; the more you are creating a mindset of scarcity? This mindset is more often than not, based on fear.

I have noticed over the years that when …

Your Health is always in your Hands

What is the answer you get when you ask yourself, how healthy are you? Step back & ask yourself this question. It will take less than a minute.

The reason I am touching upon this topic is that a recent …

What is your Wellness Quotient?

Do you focus on being more healthy in the mind or the body? Well you will be surprised to know that most focus on being healthier physically. However wellness is nothing, but being in top notch shape both in the …

Are you walking the “Burnout” Road?

Are you aware that each one of us will eventually come face to face with a Burnout in our life? If we do not take it seriously, it eventually can put us out of commission.

Burnouts are common nowadays. I …

Sleep is the foundation of strong and healthy living

 I come across many people, who think that they can get away with about 4-5 hours of sleep, live life aggressively and make the best use of their limited  time. If you are walking this tight rope, then it’s time …

Why Antioxidants is the Key

Are you aware that the stress we put on ourselves on a daily basis creates so many free radicals, that we eventually become unstable @ the cellular level.

This means that in the process of not handling our stress, we …

Stress Survival Plan

Stress has become a part of so many people’s lives that they have began to accept it. I am sure that, only a few know that Stress takes a toll on more than just your mood.

The number one issue …

Are you knocking on the Burnout door?

Burnouts are common nowadays with stress level’s hitting the roof. It is related to feelings of monotony, lack of motivation and a drive to move on. This sort of burnout can creep up on you, slowly changing the way you …

How to work towards a Calmer you

Being calm is not something with which all of us are bestowed but something each one of us can work towards and eventually master. Haven’t you wished many a time that a calmer response or reaction could have altered the …

Are you knocking at the door of chronic stress?

As a Life & Wellness Coach, people get in touch with me for various challenges they are facing in their life. When working with people one gets some great insights and experience. One common factor which drives people over the …

How does One Crank up the metabolism level

Working on our metabolism is as important to being fit and healthy as much as a regular exercise habit. Every effort in terms of regularly working out, eating healthy and taking additional supplements is not of much use if one …

How do you manage Work Life Balance?

I met up a friend recently who, though as Young as me, looked jaded and worn out .When I asked him what happened to him in the last decade, he replied with the all too familiar story of how his …

Open your world to new possibilities

How is that some of us create possibilities and others only react when things happen. Well, I am a strong believer that you can create your life’s blueprint just the way you want and not react to things that have …

Some great ways to be happy by being Selfless

When I saw a car owner chastising a parking attendant yesterday for a trivial issue which could have been ignored, I realized that by being a little forgiving the young gentleman in his flashy car could have made his evening …

How do you make your workouts more effective?

One of the biggest reasons which puts off most people from working out is the false notion that they need to spend hours in the gym or the outdoors to become fitter. On the contrary it is not true and …

Kick start your weight Loss Journey

Let me be honest with you that weight loss is not an easy thing to achieve but with persistent effort and focus it can be achieved. The journey too can be pretty exhilarating. My weight-loss efforts for the last couple …

Simple steps to start the exercise Habit

What prompted me to write this article is that of late, I realised that people do not have a clue as to how exactly to start an exercise habit. It is easier said than done since it is a lifestyle

How to ensure your Life is always organised

It is rare to find a person who is organised in every area of his/her life. At times one tends to be extremely organised at work but the exact opposite regarding their domestic front. I have been working on being

The Rule of One

Most of you, at times will be overwhelmed by the number of things you need to accomplish in a 24 hour day. If you feel exhausted by the sheer number of things you need to do in a given day,