I always believed that being fit is not only to be healthy physically, but also emotionally. In fact when I work with my clients I focus more on the emotional aspect with some of them since it is easier to …
Tag: Fitness
Your Brain Can Make Or Break You. Taking Care Of It Should Be Your Priority.
Mental Illness is not something to be hushed up or feel sorry about. It is a vast subject and I am not qualified to speak about it. However one thing I can speak about Mental illness from the perspective of …
Challenge Yourself To Learn Something New
Learning is a never-ending process and one should always be open to learn and also unlearn. When the opportunity does arise one should never give up to grab with both the hands. Our High Performance Alchemy Masterclass which is on …
Are You Struggling To Wake Up Early?
Think about this for a moment…
It’s the crack of dawn, the sun is rising and you wake up with a spring in your step and get yourself ready.
You still have a few hours left before the hustle and …
Get to your best physique ever
Getting to be as lean as possible is what most desire. Though not a walk in the park, with some tweaks in your training, nutrition & lifestyle change you can begin to move in the right direction.
For someone who …
Work on your Endurance & Stamina
Your endurance & stamina will go hand in hand, if you want to improve your health quotient. In my opinion working on these two factors will not only help you in your wellness area but also in overcoming your limiting …
Happiness is not an elusive muscle.
All of us want to be happy, but only very few have a clue about how to get and remain there. Are you aware that your Happiness & Emotional quotient go hand in hand, with both of them feeding on …
Healthy Habits Can Also De-rail Your Progress
Getting into an exercise habit is one thing, but sustaining it for a life time is another. As you might have guessed, I am addressing how you can sustain the momentum and ensure that you see some amazing progress in …
Common Fitness Myths Debunked
Have you not come across a new weight loss tip, which guarantees you weight loss or even single digit fat percentages by investing only a couple of minutes in the gym? Most of these are myths, which have never been …
What are your most important Fitness Goals?
When it comes to fitness goals, more than three fourth of the people I come across are confused as to what they want. How will you get there, if you do not know where you are going?Working on your own …
Common Sense rules of Fat burn
Burning fat is an ongoing endeavor. To keep it going through the day you need to eat every 2-3 hours, by ensuring that you choose the right food and timing. Since losing weight is the number one concern, with most …
Simple truth about exercise
Everyone knows that regular exercise is good not only from a physical standpoint but also from an emotional level. However somewhere in the journey called life, we tend to ignore this. Are you guilty of walking the same path ? …
How to work towards a Calmer you
Being calm is not something with which all of us are bestowed but something each one of us can work towards and eventually master. Haven’t you wished many a time that a calmer response or reaction could have altered the …
How to work on a sluggish Metabolism
Are you aware that your body burns calories more efficiently, as long as you do not get in its way? Metabolism is the natural way of burning more calories and over the years, I have noticed that some of the …
How to break bad Food habits?
This article is primarily for people who eat without giving much thought to what they eat & mostly succumb automatically to the hand to mouth motion. Of late I have observed that most people who are stressed, tend to move …
What and when you eat does matter for a healthy life
Most of us are bombarded with info about what to to eat for good health. However I will be touching upon something more critical regarding when to eat the right kind of food.
This according to me helps in maximizing …
Does Food intake and thought process goes hand in hand?
Do you feel low in energy, directionless and most of the time edgy? Well for all you know the number one culprit behind this might be your food intake. My common line to people is – “change your eating habits …
My Journey on the path to an elusive Flat Mid Section
Is a flat Midsection an elusive dream for you? Well worry not, I was at the same cross roads a couple of years ago. If I look back now and go through my journey, there are more mistakes than the …
Being healthy & fit is not Rocket science
Over the last couple of years I have worked with quite a lot of people and made them realize that being healthy, both at the Emotional & Physical level is just about following 3 fundamental rules. Yes, if you can …
Work on the Change Muscle
Our physical muscle tends to become stronger with repeated use and this is as you know is a “No brainer”. However when I talk of the change muscle, I tend to get people’s attention because this is something which not …
Can we as women be healthy?
I do receive more calls from women, who intend to get healthy and lead a stress free life off late and the last call I had this week was from a young working mother with an extremely stressful life who …
Simple strategies to overcome your worst health vices
What I have observed over the years with people is that most of them look at a rigid set of rules to turn into a new leaf. Remember that being healthy at the emotional and physical level is achieved by …
How does One Crank up the metabolism level
Working on our metabolism is as important to being fit and healthy as much as a regular exercise habit. Every effort in terms of regularly working out, eating healthy and taking additional supplements is not of much use if one …
How to overcome some of the biggest excuses for being unfit
The biggest factor one needs to overcome when it comes to developing a fitness regimen is excuses. I have had more than one excuse for not taking some time out for being fit and the sad part is that when …
Some easy habits to develop for a healthy Life
Our lifestyle around us is changing so rapidly that it has become a major concern. We are compromising on our health, upkeep of which is not such a struggle as so many people do put across. Ask me how? Well …
How to stay on the lasting road of Wellness
This is for those of you who have reached the pinnacle of your goals, say a healthy body weight ratio, toned body or even running a marathon. What do you do after you accomplish success? Does time suddenly come to …
Why being fit is not complicated
I had an interesting discussion on fitness with one of my callers who had tried everything under the sun to become fit but had failed in the effort. She mentioned that Health & fitness was way too complicated. Well as …
How do you manage Work Life Balance?
I met up a friend recently who, though as Young as me, looked jaded and worn out .When I asked him what happened to him in the last decade, he replied with the all too familiar story of how his …
Can you help me gain weight?
Off late I get many queries from people who, yes you read it right, want to gain weight. No I am not talking about Martians here, but people like you and me who are slightly different because their body structure …
Simple steps to make your Brain more efficient
For all practical purposes Your brain is still a muscle and I strongly believe that, just like certain exercises activate the muscles in a body, doing certain things on a daily basis makes your brain sharper. I have experienced this …
Why breakfast is the first step towards a healthy you
I have realized that many people begin their day on an empty stomach. They do not give much Importance to the most important meal of the day which according to me is a good balanced Breakfast. When I began to …
Some simple exercise programs for beginner’s
It’s been a long journey with regular exercise now very much a part of my daily life. This has drastically improved my overall life. Exercise can be just about anything which has some kind of movement. Yoga gets included in …
Walk through your sedentary lifestyle
Life’s comforts and technology have made most of us lead a sedentary lifestyle which is one of the prime reasons for the alarming rate of obesity in Urban cities .Changing a habit which has made you comfortable is not a …
Overcome a health setback and become a better person
Setbacks happen to everybody and in different areas of our life. For some it might be in your life or even work but what I am talking about in this article is about the setback to my health and how …
How to not look like a pregnant duck.
What is striking off late is the amounts of fat people are putting in their midsection. I know for a fact that this one area that is most noticeable more than anything else. When I was asked by a good …
Lean and Fit is the In thing
When this question is asked to people, I am sure that more than 80 percent want to become lean and fit, including me. Working on this health goal is not Rocket science but it requires some careful adjustments in our …
Some Insights to get you into great shape
While most of the people out there want to lose weight and get healthier, the common denominator is that basically all people want to do, is get into shape. I know the old adage that Round is also a shape. …
Are you a weekend Warrior?
When I recently met up with group of school mates, what caught my attention was that one of them was saying that she had become a weekend warrior. Being inquisitive, with respect to anything, which challenges my mind I asked …
How to take control of your health and hit the Wellness Road
Take control of your days which are turning you crazy
Are there some days where you feel helpless and why something like this is happening to me? well most of us come across something like this during our work /home life and the best thing to do is not be …