When it comes to being healthy there is definitely no “one glove fits all”. However since I have been working with people over the years closely who are stressed and are pushed towards living an unhealthy lifestyle some of these …
Tag: Wellness
Super Easy Steps To Be Healthy At Work
The biggest challenge most of the working people face is, how to be healthy when one spends so much time at work which includes commuting as well. Over the years, the biggest obstacle in every one’s mind when it comes …
Have you focused on your Emotional Fitness?
I always believed that being fit is not only to be healthy physically, but also emotionally. In fact when I work with my clients I focus more on the emotional aspect with some of them since it is easier to …
6 Ways To Develop Amazing Willpower And Rock-Solid Discipline
Each one of us wants to be successful. However how many of us do put in the time and effort on a consistent basis? I always tell this to my clients and during my Leadership Interventions.
Becoming successful is not …
Be So Positive That Negativity Doesn’t Affect You!
Of late, the phrases “Be positive”, “Life is awesome!”, “I am really excited!” and so on have become quite common. Sometimes, it may seem like how can anyone be so positive all the time?
Are people merely putting on an …
4 Simple Steps To Take Your Fitness Quotient To The Next Level
Most of the people I do come across do look for change in their lifestyle, especially when alarm bells start ringing. One of the things I do tell people is that when it comes to your health you have to …
Do you use a wearable device? If not, it’s just about time you do it
It’s been years since I started wearing something on my wrist to monitor how physically active I can be. Even though I do follow a decent exercise habit, I wanted to see if I can take this a notch higher.…
Your Health is always in your Hands
What is the answer you get when you ask yourself, how healthy are you? Step back & ask yourself this question. It will take less than a minute.
The reason I am touching upon this topic is that a recent …
Smart Food Rules to Live by
Do you go through a guilt trip & saddled with Emotions, when you slip up on your food intake? Well, you will be surprised to know that most of us follow ancient advice, when it comes to food intake & …
Sleep is the foundation of strong and healthy living
I come across many people, who think that they can get away with about 4-5 hours of sleep, live life aggressively and make the best use of their limited time. If you are walking this tight rope, then it’s time …
Why Antioxidants is the Key
Are you aware that the stress we put on ourselves on a daily basis creates so many free radicals, that we eventually become unstable @ the cellular level.
This means that in the process of not handling our stress, we …
Work on your Endurance & Stamina
Your endurance & stamina will go hand in hand, if you want to improve your health quotient. In my opinion working on these two factors will not only help you in your wellness area but also in overcoming your limiting …
Are you knocking on the Burnout door?
Burnouts are common nowadays with stress level’s hitting the roof. It is related to feelings of monotony, lack of motivation and a drive to move on. This sort of burnout can creep up on you, slowly changing the way you …
Common Fitness Myths Debunked
Have you not come across a new weight loss tip, which guarantees you weight loss or even single digit fat percentages by investing only a couple of minutes in the gym? Most of these are myths, which have never been …
What are your most important Fitness Goals?
When it comes to fitness goals, more than three fourth of the people I come across are confused as to what they want. How will you get there, if you do not know where you are going?Working on your own …
Aerobic or Anaerobic exercise?
One of the most common questions I come across when it comes to exercise is which of the two is better – Aerobic or Anaerobic exercise? My logic is if you can manage either, it is great. However doing both …
Bring the workout to you
Do you belong to the group of people who work 40 + hours every week? Do you feel you can catch up on being healthy at a later stage, once you settle down? Well do not be surprised – you …
Work on your body to improve any situation
Are you stressed out due to situations around you and feel that you are walking through a minefield most part of the day? Well at most times when you begin to work things from the inside, you give yourself a …
How to work on a sluggish Metabolism
Are you aware that your body burns calories more efficiently, as long as you do not get in its way? Metabolism is the natural way of burning more calories and over the years, I have noticed that some of the …
How to break bad Food habits?
This article is primarily for people who eat without giving much thought to what they eat & mostly succumb automatically to the hand to mouth motion. Of late I have observed that most people who are stressed, tend to move …
Work on your Will Power Muscle
Have you gone through the experience of starting with a healthy habit and in no time going back to where you began or worse much further back? Well, do not be surprised as I have gone through this learning curve …
How does one sharpen the brain?
Let’s admit that the one thing which all of us want is to ensure that we have an edge over others when it comes to thinking right and fast. One thing which actually differentiates the wheat from the chaff is …
How to overcome Workout Laziness?
When it comes to regular exercise, people do come up with excuses and more excuses. What if I could tell you that I was in the same boat a couple of years ago, but managed to overcome this by making …
Why do women find it more difficult to lose weight?
Have you been asking this question more often than not and perplexed to find that there no one realistic answer? Well worry not, I get more calls from women, especially on this one particular issue, and will try & address …
Does Food intake and thought process goes hand in hand?
Do you feel low in energy, directionless and most of the time edgy? Well for all you know the number one culprit behind this might be your food intake. My common line to people is – “change your eating habits …
How being fit & going green complement each other
As some of you already know, over the last few years I have been working on making my life simpler.I have tried to achieve this, by working towards being fitter,healthier and most importantly becoming a complete vegetarian. All these things …
How to develop & build the Wellness Muscle
The Wellness Muscle is a metaphor for developing a healthy habit both @ the physical & Emotional level. With more & more people neglecting their health, there has to be awareness spread around for people to be more responsible towards …
The Art of Sound Sleep
I have been coming across more and more people who have a major issue in this one area, compared to all other areas put together.
Once there is a disturbance in the sleep pattern, there is a cascading effect on …
Can we as women be healthy?
I do receive more calls from women, who intend to get healthy and lead a stress free life off late and the last call I had this week was from a young working mother with an extremely stressful life who …
Simple strategies to overcome your worst health vices
What I have observed over the years with people is that most of them look at a rigid set of rules to turn into a new leaf. Remember that being healthy at the emotional and physical level is achieved by …
How does One Crank up the metabolism level
Working on our metabolism is as important to being fit and healthy as much as a regular exercise habit. Every effort in terms of regularly working out, eating healthy and taking additional supplements is not of much use if one …
Some easy habits to develop for a healthy Life
Our lifestyle around us is changing so rapidly that it has become a major concern. We are compromising on our health, upkeep of which is not such a struggle as so many people do put across. Ask me how? Well …
How to stick to your healthy Food habits and eventually stay fit
I am not a big fan of the word ‘Diet’ which according to me, conjures up an image of someone starving, drinking on juices and chewing on greens. However I strongly believe that to be healthy one needs to be …
How do you manage Work Life Balance?
I met up a friend recently who, though as Young as me, looked jaded and worn out .When I asked him what happened to him in the last decade, he replied with the all too familiar story of how his …
Can you help me gain weight?
Off late I get many queries from people who, yes you read it right, want to gain weight. No I am not talking about Martians here, but people like you and me who are slightly different because their body structure …
Simple steps to make your Brain more efficient
For all practical purposes Your brain is still a muscle and I strongly believe that, just like certain exercises activate the muscles in a body, doing certain things on a daily basis makes your brain sharper. I have experienced this …
Why a good nights sleep is the Key to your overall health
What I have noticed is the less importance people give to a regular night’s sleep which is critical to the overall development of anybody.. Repeated research over the years has consistently shown that sleep plays a vital role in promoting …
Some simple exercise programs for beginner’s
It’s been a long journey with regular exercise now very much a part of my daily life. This has drastically improved my overall life. Exercise can be just about anything which has some kind of movement. Yoga gets included in …
Why it’s time to kick sugar out of your life.
Sugar is all around us in the form of sweets, refined food and mostly in our kitchen as granules or blocks. Since it has become such an integral part of our life we do not consider it to be our …
Walk through your sedentary lifestyle
Life’s comforts and technology have made most of us lead a sedentary lifestyle which is one of the prime reasons for the alarming rate of obesity in Urban cities .Changing a habit which has made you comfortable is not a …
The power of small changes for a healthy you
Some Insights to get you into great shape
While most of the people out there want to lose weight and get healthier, the common denominator is that basically all people want to do, is get into shape. I know the old adage that Round is also a shape. …
Kick start your weight Loss Journey
Let me be honest with you that weight loss is not an easy thing to achieve but with persistent effort and focus it can be achieved. The journey too can be pretty exhilarating. My weight-loss efforts for the last couple …
Simple ways to live a Stress Free Life
What caught my attention this week was an article in a leading publication about How healthy is India Inc? Not surprisingly it stated that stress is the number one Killer amongst people working in India Inc and it has reached …
Yoga for Gen X to Z
When I started practicing Yoga about 2 years back, I never dreamt that one day I would be sitting with my Laptop on a wonderful Tuesday afternoon and going Ga Ga about it. Even though I don’t consider myself an …
How to take control of your health and hit the Wellness Road
How do you eliminate stress from your Life
Take control of your days which are turning you crazy
Are there some days where you feel helpless and why something like this is happening to me? well most of us come across something like this during our work /home life and the best thing to do is not be …
The art of doing nothing
Be proud of your progress
Slow Down to Enjoy Life
Trying to eat healthy? Make a lifestyle change
The magic in waking up early
How to plan for a doable exercise regimen
Welcome to my Blog
Wellness Coach i would most likely be writing Blog on healthy lifestyle and will also touch