Choose your reactions wisely!

Today, let us talk about a topic that is close to many of our hearts: the art of reacting or should I say, the wisdom of selective reaction. 

You see, in this fast-paced world where every beep of our phone …

My All Time 25 Fitness Tips

When it comes to being healthy there is definitely no “one glove fits all”. However since I have been working with people over the years closely who are stressed and are pushed towards living an unhealthy lifestyle some of these …

Super Easy Steps To Be Healthy At Work

The biggest challenge most of the working people face is, how to be healthy when one spends so much time at work which includes  commuting as well. Over the years, the biggest obstacle in every one’s mind when it comes …

Have you focused on your Emotional Fitness?

I always believed that being fit is not only to be healthy physically, but also emotionally. In fact when I work with my clients I focus more on the emotional aspect with some of them since it is easier to …

5 Ways To Wake Up Feeling Awesome And Energized.

Are you aware that the first one hour on waking up is what sets you up, to make the day most productive? Well! I have been writing over the years, about doing the right things before going to sleep and also during the …

The new fatigue on the block

Work from home Fatigue is the new challenge for most of the employees who are forced to work from their respective homes due to the pandemic. With hardly any social interactions, back to back meetings and unrealistic expectations from their …

Be So Positive That Negativity Doesn’t Affect You!

Of late, the phrases “Be positive”, “Life is awesome!”, “I am really excited!” and so on have become quite common. Sometimes, it may seem like how can anyone be so positive all the time?

Are people merely putting on an …

5 Ways To Turn Back The Clock In Less Than 8 Weeks

Do you remember your wonder years? For most like me it would have been wanting to get older, have the freedom to do whatever we wanted and not be answerable to parents and siblings. There were times during my teen …

Are You Trying To Lose Weight But Not Able To?


One of the most common complaints I have heard from my clients till now is “No matter what I do, I am not able to lose weight!”

Why …

Lose Weight & Gain Energy – 5 Simple Ways

Are you someone who is looking at losing weight and having more  energy? Well! Who does not want it? One of the most common health goals of all my clients,over the last 5 years has been to lose weight and …

5 Easy Ways To Burn More Fat And Get Lean

To sustain good health it is imperative that you develop some key good habits, which will help you to lose weight or in some cases simply maintain the weight loss which you have already achieved.

Over the year’s working with …

Why It’s Time To Make Protein Your Best Friend

Last week one of my Face Book Page Posts  on Protein did generate a lot of interest and got  me lot of queries offline with respect to natural vegetarian source of protein. Like I had mentioned previously, the data continue …

How To Burn A Lot Of Fat Fast Without Exercise

Would you like to learn about how you can burn fat without any exercise at all? Does the above statement sound like a fake one?

If you’re like most people, your “I do not believe it!” radar would have gone …

5 Keys To Feel Like The Incredible Hulk

Every morning when you start your day, you REALLY want to feel like the Incredible Hulk.

You want to feel like a hero who is ready to seize the day.

And here’s the most important bit – You really want …

How To Prepare Your Mind For Peak Performance

There isn’t a lot of difference between YOU and Virat Kohli.

Both of you are required to perform at your highest levels continually. People higher in the food-chain expect you to produce the best results and questions are asked when …

How To Conquer Your Beer Belly

The one thing that embarrasses us more than anything else is the – beer belly.

Excess fat in the mid-section is condemned by everyone and yet, it’s something that has become increasingly common.

Almost 2 in 3 people that you …

How To Make Meditation A Daily Habit

Do you believe in the power of meditation but find yourself struggling to make it a habit? If yes, you’re not alone.

There are so many people that I speak to on a day to day basis who believe that …

3 Happiness Rules To Live By

Most want Happiness but few can figure out how to live it. In my experience it is not the biggest things which will make a person happy but small things. I have known people who have everything in this world …

Re-work your relation with Food

Do you struggle to be in control with what you eat? Well most people tend to stray when it comes to unhealthy eating.

What causes the most damage, when it comes to your wellbeing is when you begin to associate …

Develop an Abundance Mindset

Are you aware that the more you cling onto things in your life; the more you are creating a mindset of scarcity? This mindset is more often than not, based on fear.

I have noticed over the years that when …

Ladies, it’s time to be healthy

If you are a woman overloaded with work on the personal & professional front and the last thing on your mind is your health, then you should be reading this Blog Article.

With Women’s day round the corner, it is …

What is your Wellness Quotient?

Do you focus on being more healthy in the mind or the body? Well you will be surprised to know that most focus on being healthier physically. However wellness is nothing, but being in top notch shape both in the …

Are you walking the “Burnout” Road?

Are you aware that each one of us will eventually come face to face with a Burnout in our life? If we do not take it seriously, it eventually can put us out of commission.

Burnouts are common nowadays. I …

Eat healthy to strengthen your Emotional Muscle.

Are you aware that eating 5-6 servings of fruits & vegetables in a day will help in altering the mood of an individual drastically? I have seen an amazing transformation of the emotional thought process with myself and my own …

Why do women find it more difficult to lose weight?

Have you been asking this question more often than not and perplexed to find that there no one realistic answer? Well worry not, I get more calls from women, especially on this one particular issue, and will  try & address …