Open your Mind for some great Ideas

If you are working towards generating great ideas to improve your life, then it’s time to unchain yourself from the mundane, conventional thoughts, which occupy your brain.

Over the last few weeks, I have been working on this aspect in …

What If People Around You are Toxic?

Prashant was involved in a project which he really loved. It was one of the best projects in his organization. He was proud to be a part of that team. Things were going on really well when something changed overtime. …

Do You Procrastinate? 7 Surprising Reasons Behind It

One of the biggest challenge people face when it comes to being successful is that they tend to procrastinate. You might be someone who has picked up this habit recently or someone who has worked on it diligently over the …

5 Things To Do Before Breakfast To Win Every Day.

Over the last few weeks I have been personally interviewing some of the biggest CEO’s & Business Entrepreneurs for my upcoming book and the one factor which is not surprising and the common denominator is the way each one of …

Here Is How To Improve Your Likable Factor

Over the years I have come across far too many people who do believe that being likable is a natural ingrained trait that few lucky ones are born with.

However the reality is far from the truth. I am more …

4 Key Habits For Creating Personal And Professional Success

Over the years, I have worked with several executives and entrepreneurs.

Some of whom were extremely successful professionally but their personal life was nothing great .

At the same time, there have also been clients whose family life is brilliant, …

3 Warning Signs That You’re Working Too Hard

Let’s say you have some money set aside and are looking to invest it in a fund.

If you’re a prude investor, you’ll carefully explore alternate options, the risks involved and the total ROI % you’re going to get from …

How To Prepare Your Mind For Peak Performance

There isn’t a lot of difference between YOU and Virat Kohli.

Both of you are required to perform at your highest levels continually. People higher in the food-chain expect you to produce the best results and questions are asked when …

3 Ways To Bounce Back From Anything In Life

Resilience is the word that defines one’s ability to rise again strongly after being knocked down.

Confucius, once spoke of resilience as our greatest glory. These were his words, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising

How To Make 2015 Your Best Year Ever

Hey there…
So it’s another year that has gone by and tomorrow, it’s going to be a new beginning.

You may have had goals that you wanted to accomplish this 2014. You may have achieved some of them, made some …

How To Develop Emotional Maturity

Emotional maturity is one of the things that determines the quality of your life.

It can be defined as one’s ability to experience a full range of emotions from delight to grief without losing your head.

Over the years, I’ve …

4 Ways To Overcome Frustrating Challenges And Lead An Abundant Life

Are you feeling frustrated with your life right now?

Almost everybody goes through terrible, frustrating challenges.

But there’s a huge difference between those who succeed and those who struggle…

Successful people refuse to let these challenges hold them back.

On …

Here’s How To Create More Luck And Success In Your Life

Are you someone who believes that your friends, colleagues and others succeeded out of sheer luck? Do you feel that luck is far more important than skill when it comes to making progress and creating success?

If yes, you’re not …

Be Optimistic to create opportunities

Optimistic people are most of the time forward looking and anticipate that things will go well later today, tomorrow or in the months or years to come.

According to me this is one of the most critical aspects for one …

Learn to Ride the Momentum Wave

Transformation in life begins in picking a Momentum wave & riding it. Have you been stuck with a vision, dream or even a Life goal, for lack of momentum? Well fear not, I have walked this path before.

You might …

Success does leave clues

Are you looking at being extremely successful in your chosen field & wish you had a user manual to refer to in times of need? Most want to, but they also do not know how to.

Working as a Life …

It is never too late for course correction

Are you aware that regular course correction is what ultimately gets an airplane to its destination? I was surprised to know this and realised that creating an ideal future can often make present problems irrelevant.

Often I am approached by …

What do you choose to do from today?

About three years ago, I choose to live my life on my terms and even though it has been a very different life professionally, it has been more fulfilling, satisfying & forthcoming.

Many times when people reach out to me, …

What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger

A Crisis will hit you when you least expect it. Can one be prepared to handle any crisis and come out stronger?

A Crisis can either make or break us. How you manage the whole cycle will eventually make you …

How not to let fear run you

How would your life be if fear was only a word you knew about in the dictionary? Well fear of failure is probably the highest reason which stops most people from living their dream.

You can find some solace  to …

It’s time to be the best version of yourself

How would your life change if you could be your best in terms of what you are doing? For many it might look like a mirage but for really successful people it is nothing but a daily consistent effort to …

Is it time to Re-design your Life?

Has your life’s journey been more than perfect? Well, there is always an area where each one of you would be struggling to focus on and make it just about perfect. This is exactly the area that I work on …

Why discipline is the key to be successful

Over the last couple of weeks I have observed that some of the most successful people, be it in sports or in the corporate world have been sabotaging their success. The one glaring common feature I have noticed with people …

Are you living up to your potential?

When I ask the people I work with this question, I usually get a vague answer. This is because Potential is something which cannot be measured or quantified. However when you realize your own strength can  change your belief structure, …

How do you train yourself to be more positive?

One thing which people value the most according to me  is to just be positive. I have had some people over the years telling me that “You know, it does not matter if I lose everything, but I need to …

How to create a peaceful relaxed Workday

Last week when I discussed this with one of my Coaching Clients, he was surprised and ended up asking me if there is something called as a relaxed Workday at all. Well my intention is not to disappoint many of …

The art of leading teams at a subconscious Level.

When I interact with the top of the line leaders of today, One thing which strikes me is, even the most experienced and revered Leaders have difficulty in leading teams. Surprisingly at times they turn inwards to beget the solution …