If you are working towards generating great ideas to improve your life, then it’s time to unchain yourself from the mundane, conventional thoughts, which occupy your brain.
Over the last few weeks, I have been working on this aspect in …
If you are working towards generating great ideas to improve your life, then it’s time to unchain yourself from the mundane, conventional thoughts, which occupy your brain.
Over the last few weeks, I have been working on this aspect in …
Have you heard the words “A family which eats together stays together” Well, when I did heard this for the first-time many decades back I was not surprised because our family always did have at least one meal together.
When …
Have you ever wondered as to why some people are extremely successful in whatever they do but some are destined for failures? I am sure that just like me, you would have wondered over the years as to what is …
Richard Sengupta reached out to me couple of weeks back and during the conversation he did mention that “Satish in the last 6 months I have gone through the worst of times and also the best of the times” Now …
Everybody wants to boost their brain power so that they can be ahead of their peers and competitors in the corporate world. When you begin to feel sluggish, uncreative and not able to focus on your thoughts then most people …
When Self-doubt creeps in then it is just about time before it begins to erode your self-confidence. One of the most common challenges I do come across with Executives and Entrepreneurs is self-doubt and low confidence in themselves.
Now for …
Each one of us wants to be successful. However how many of us do put in the time and effort on a consistent basis? I always tell this to my clients and during my Leadership Interventions.
Becoming successful is not …
One of the most common challenges Executives & Entrepreneurs do face is lack of time to get everything done. This does make them feel that they are not doing enough and eventually burn themselves out.
Are you aware that as …
Your eyes will often only see what you want to see, and your ears will only hear what you want to hear. This is something which has been known for thousands of years. However, what I am about to share …
How successful you are often depends on your emotional state. The emotional state is directly connected to the state of your mind. So, if you are someone looking at success outside you, then you are trying to find the pot …
Do you feel deep down in your gut that you are more capable than what you are doing right now but somehow not able to get through the haze? Well, I am not surprised at all. I do hear this …
Are you aware that an average human mind generates about 70,000 thoughts per day? That’s about 2916 every hour. So, nature does give you that many opportunities to work on yourself or bring yourself down.
What you choose is your …
Have you ever felt that you have been working too hard? Do you sometimes wonder whether all this extra effort was worth it?
I know you have been sincere with your work and pushed yourself so you can move up …
No matter how clear you are about your goals and your actions, there are always times when you lose motivation, feel stuck and don’t want to get back on track.
It can be very hard when you get into that …
When you’re struggling to put food on the table and make ends meet, you won’t be looking to become successful or making it big.
You’ll rather be worried about how you are going to get past your current famine.
And …
When it comes to health and fitness, people do have questions and lots of them. More often than not I do see that people are confused more than ever for the simple reason that there is too much of information …
Are you someone who believes that your friends, colleagues and others succeeded out of sheer luck? Do you feel that luck is far more important than skill when it comes to making progress and creating success?
If yes, you’re not …
One of the things that prevent most people from creating an exceptional life that they truly want is their ‘Excuses’.
We give ourselves excuses all the time. Some of these excuses are conscious and we are aware of them and …
One of the most common questions I receive during my seminars and when working with people 1 on 1 is about self-confidence and whether it can really be improved. If you find that you are not as confident as you’d …
Failure can be painful for most of us and more often than not the biggest mistake people make is to stay hurt & be in a state of Non-inertia for way too long.
Failure can hurt, if you are emotionally …
Optimistic people are most of the time forward looking and anticipate that things will go well later today, tomorrow or in the months or years to come.
According to me this is one of the most critical aspects for one …
Do you struggle to be in control with what you eat? Well most people tend to stray when it comes to unhealthy eating.
What causes the most damage, when it comes to your wellbeing is when you begin to associate …
Are you aware that each one of us will eventually come face to face with a Burnout in our life? If we do not take it seriously, it eventually can put us out of commission.
Burnouts are common nowadays. I …
Stress more often than not is bound to keep us on our feet. Over the years, most of us have allowed it to become a Frankenstein within each of us. If you are feeling numb, indecisive, suffering from weight issues …
Are you at a cross roads of your career or personal life? If you are and do not have a clue about which road to follow, do not be surprised. Most of the successful people, have also gone through the …
At times, I wonder why there is so much Negativity around us & what is stopping people from shifting towards joy & happiness?
You are not alone, if you tend to get influenced in your thoughts & actions when there …
Do you struggle to regulate your emotions, manage your thoughts & think positively irrespective of your circumstances? Well then it is time to focus on your Emotional nerve, which helps one to gain clarity & focus in life.
Working on …
Are you always chained to your fears which stop you from making the biggest changes in your life?
Well … fret not because you are not alone. Having worked with people in helping them overcome some of their biggest fears, …
How would your life change if you could be your best in terms of what you are doing? For many it might look like a mirage but for really successful people it is nothing but a daily consistent effort to …
Have you stopped in your tracks and thought about how your life would change, if you could be much more optimistic and positive? Well, over the years I have worked with quite a few clients who only wanted to work …
Have you ever wondered why you eat junk food loaded with Tran’s fat and sugars instead of a healthy food item? Do you eat when you are hungry or the other way round? Over the years, one of the most …
Have you been struggling with managing your Negative thoughts and Actions lately? Well worry not,Negative thoughts are normal and most of us, at some point of time, tend to have it. some of us are more conditioned to think Negatively …
One of the most important things people want to do is, to change their life and make it last. Change as I Know, can be different to different people. Some of the people I work with would love to change …
My recent post on Letting go of the past on my Facebook Page got some amazing response & got me thinking why not write a Blog on the same. Working with people in Redesigning their lives, has made me aware …
Achievement is always a steady surge and Rome was not built in a day. These were my words to a caller,who had called me saying that she felt stuck in life and incapacitated to do just about anything. I come …
In more than two decades of driving, I’ve never had a serious accident. Occasionally the thought did occur to me and I came close to this two days back. An overspending hatchback rear ended our vehicle, which was pulled off …
One thing which people value the most according to me is to just be positive. I have had some people over the years telling me that “You know, it does not matter if I lose everything, but I need to …
The one thing, one can do to click on their own low confidence switch is to compare someone’s strength to their own weakness. I have noticed this so many times over the years and was myself not immune to this …
Have you noticed someone who always blames others for their shortcomings? Well do not be surprised, there are quite a few around us who do not take responsibility for their actions and find solace in blaming others.
Over the last …
As an individual One is sure to face major obstacles in their life journey. This, if worked on properly, can make you stronger in the days to come. I generally see people who are absolutely focused on their short or …
When I receive a call from an unknown number in the dead of the night, I usually know someone is so desperate that they would have thrown out their logical side and called the moment they see what work I …
I have realized that many people begin their day on an empty stomach. They do not give much Importance to the most important meal of the day which according to me is a good balanced Breakfast. When I began to …
I come across people who feel they are extremely shy be it with their clients, business associates or at times even with their family which affects them in a big way. Many of us know that making a positive impression …
Off late I come across many people with serious relationship issues. Even worse is that they are not doing anything about it. Sometimes these relationships involve two people in a marriage living under the same roof but living different lives. …
When I saw a car owner chastising a parking attendant yesterday for a trivial issue which could have been ignored, I realized that by being a little forgiving the young gentleman in his flashy car could have made his evening …
One of the biggest issues that most people face when they put their mind to pursuing their personal goals is lack of time and focus. This was exactly what was discussed by me with one of my clients last week …