Be So Positive That Negativity Doesn’t Affect You!

Of late, the phrases “Be positive”, “Life is awesome!”, “I am really excited!” and so on have become quite common. Sometimes, it may seem like how can anyone be so positive all the time?

Are people merely putting on an …

5 Easy Ways To Burn More Fat And Get Lean

To sustain good health it is imperative that you develop some key good habits, which will help you to lose weight or in some cases simply maintain the weight loss which you have already achieved.

Over the year’s working with …

Do You Procrastinate? 7 Surprising Reasons Behind It

One of the biggest challenge people face when it comes to being successful is that they tend to procrastinate. You might be someone who has picked up this habit recently or someone who has worked on it diligently over the …

5 Step Process Guaranteed To Boost Your Self Confidence

Over the years I have  come across many top level executives or Entrepreneurs who have worked hard to get to the top  but somewhere down the line, certain incidents or life experiences would have dented their own self confidence which …

How To Lose Weight Even When You’re A Super Busy Executive

Almost all executives have little or no control over their lifestyles. Their schedules are often crazy, hectic and unmanageable.

For every single project they complete, three new ones crop up and they’re always busy catching up. The severe pressure leads …

The Secret To Living A Life Of Adventure And Passion

“Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.” ~Denis Whitley

Are you going through a life situation that makes you feel frustrated and unhappy?…

Here Is How To Reset The Clock Of Aging

Every now and then when I interact with New Gen Entrepreneurs or Corporate Executives  one thing is certain that most are lot less healthy than the previous generations.

Being fit affects how you look, the way you move and eventually …

Here’s How To Escape the Fake Goal Trap

Most people are stressed because they are overwhelmed with the number of things they need to do in the given 24 hour day. If the tasks in hand does stress you out, then you need to remember that working on …

Here’s How To Create More Luck And Success In Your Life

Are you someone who believes that your friends, colleagues and others succeeded out of sheer luck? Do you feel that luck is far more important than skill when it comes to making progress and creating success?

If yes, you’re not …

Food intake can make or break you

Are you aware that the food you consume, can have a massive impact on your productivity at the physical & Emotional level by 20-30 percent at the very least?

Like automobiles which run on good fuel, it is the quality, …

3 reasons you are not losing weight

Have you been trying to lose weight but can’t seem to figure out why you’ve been unsuccessful? The answer isn’t the fad diet you’ve attempted, nor is it a simple matter of willpower.

Working with people over the years, has …

Re-work your relation with Food

Do you struggle to be in control with what you eat? Well most people tend to stray when it comes to unhealthy eating.

What causes the most damage, when it comes to your wellbeing is when you begin to associate …

Get to your best physique ever

Getting to be as lean as possible is what most desire. Though not a walk in the park, with some tweaks in your training, nutrition & lifestyle change  you can begin to move in the right direction.

For someone who …

Ladies, it’s time to be healthy

If you are a woman overloaded with work on the personal & professional front and the last thing on your mind is your health, then you should be reading this Blog Article.

With Women’s day round the corner, it is …

Being Assertive can completely transform your Life

Assertiveness is a trait which goes hand in hand with our belief & values. Have you been caught napping, at a time in your life when a little more Assertiveness would have done you a world of good?

I have …

What is your Wellness Quotient?

Do you focus on being more healthy in the mind or the body? Well you will be surprised to know that most focus on being healthier physically. However wellness is nothing, but being in top notch shape both in the …

Overcome Stress before it overcomes you

Stress more often than not is bound to keep us on our feet. Over the years, most of us have allowed it to become a Frankenstein within each of us. If you are feeling numb, indecisive, suffering from weight issues …

Are you living Life in Denial Mode

I come across, far too many people living in the “Denial Mode” which is nothing but avoiding the truth, procrastinating and eventually delaying taking tough decisions. If this sounds familiar, then it is time to switch modes.

All of us, …

Stress Survival Plan

Stress has become a part of so many people’s lives that they have began to accept it. I am sure that, only a few know that Stress takes a toll on more than just your mood.

The number one issue …

It is never too late for course correction

Are you aware that regular course correction is what ultimately gets an airplane to its destination? I was surprised to know this and realised that creating an ideal future can often make present problems irrelevant.

Often I am approached by …

Are you knocking on the Burnout door?

Burnouts are common nowadays with stress level’s hitting the roof. It is related to feelings of monotony, lack of motivation and a drive to move on. This sort of burnout can creep up on you, slowly changing the way you …

Common Fitness Myths Debunked

Have you not come across a new weight loss tip, which guarantees you weight loss or even single digit fat percentages by investing only a couple of minutes in the gym? Most of these are myths, which have never been …

How do you know you have developed a good Habit?

Are you aware that more than 50% of our behaviors on a day to day basis are habitual and not intentional?Well this means that,if you really want to, you can work towards changing any of your dis empowering behavior into …

Work on a productive overdrive

Do you often feel overworked, overwhelmed and overloaded? Most of the people who are not able to manage their time and personal productivity, go through this learning curve. With Multitasking being the new buzzword, this is bound to get worse.…

How to break bad Food habits?

This article is primarily for people who eat without giving much thought to what they  eat & mostly succumb automatically to the hand to mouth motion. Of late I have observed that most people who are stressed, tend to move …

It is time to face your fears

Are you always chained to your fears which stop you from making the biggest changes in your life?

Well … fret not because you are not alone. Having worked with people in helping them overcome some of their biggest fears, …

It’s time to be the best version of yourself

How would your life change if you could be your best in terms of what you are doing? For many it might look like a mirage but for really successful people it is nothing but a daily consistent effort to …

Have you activated the Antivirus for the Mind?

Are you aware of the devastation of your thoughts when it becomes Negative or self destructive? Off late this has become a kind of a virus that is afflicting people who do not lead a healthy life.

Working with people …

How to overcome Negative thoughts and Actions

Have you been struggling with managing your Negative thoughts and Actions lately? Well worry not,Negative thoughts are normal and most of us, at some point of time, tend to have it. some of us are more conditioned to think Negatively …

Why discipline is the key to be successful

Over the last couple of weeks I have observed that some of the most successful people, be it in sports or in the corporate world have been sabotaging their success. The one glaring common feature I have noticed with people …

Meditation:The key to Emotional Well-being

I am a big advocate of the meditation habit. Most of my clients and readers would have realized by now that I believe that meditation is a great way to begin & end one’s day. In fact, I would even …

Why being fit is not complicated

I had an interesting discussion on fitness with one of my callers who had tried everything under the sun to become fit but had failed in the effort. She mentioned that Health & fitness was way too complicated. Well as …

It’s time to stop the blame game

Have you noticed someone who always blames others for their shortcomings? Well do not be surprised, there are quite a few around  us who do not take responsibility for their actions and find solace in blaming others.
Over the last …

Some simple exercise programs for beginner’s

It’s been a long journey with regular exercise now very much a part of my daily life. This has drastically improved my overall life. Exercise can be just about anything which has some kind of movement. Yoga gets included in …

Open your world to new possibilities

How is that some of us create possibilities and others only react when things happen. Well, I am a strong believer that you can create your life’s blueprint just the way you want and not react to things that have …

Some great ways to be happy by being Selfless

When I saw a car owner chastising a parking attendant yesterday for a trivial issue which could have been ignored, I realized that by being a little forgiving the young gentleman in his flashy car could have made his evening …

How to work on nipping depression in the bud

One of the curses of our fast paced lives, multi tasking, unhealthy habits and Yes genetics is depression. This is the leading health issue in corporate India. I am sure most of you are surprised to hear this but i …

How do you build greater self control

I was a part of a meeting last week where some of the people present lost their self control and exposed the ugly side of their character. I wondered as to why people lose their self – control even when …

How to create a peaceful relaxed Workday

Last week when I discussed this with one of my Coaching Clients, he was surprised and ended up asking me if there is something called as a relaxed Workday at all. Well my intention is not to disappoint many of …

How to overcome negative thoughts and turn it positive

Getting negative thoughts is very common  but being aware  and working on overcoming it is what every one should work on diligently.What made me put on a thinking cap was a conversation   I overheard  of a young person in the

Yoga for Gen X to Z

When I started practicing Yoga about 2 years back, I never dreamt that one day I would be sitting with my Laptop on a wonderful Tuesday afternoon and going Ga Ga about it. Even though I don’t consider myself an

Overcome Fear to make it your best partner

Last week while conversing with a good friend of mine, she mentioned that she did something unimaginable to overcome her fear. She was so jazzed about it and said that it was the best day of her life when she

Accept criticism with Grace and appreciation

How you handle criticism was the question put to me when having a chat with a client. This got me thinking on making it a good subject for my forthcoming article. 

Well most of us do tend to react by

How to ensure your Life is always organised

It is rare to find a person who is organised in every area of his/her life. At times one tends to be extremely organised at work but the exact opposite regarding their domestic front. I have been working on being