Over the last one decade as an Executive Coach, I did have the opportunity to interact with many executives who had reached out to me saying that they were not happy about their job and dreaded going to the same …
Tag: Adopt
Here Is How To Improve Your Personal Growth By 5X Times With These 5 Proven Techniques.
Your eyes will often only see what you want to see, and your ears will only hear what you want to hear. This is something which has been known for thousands of years. However, what I am about to share …
Can Individual Transformation Help An Organization?
Many clients have come to me for coaching in the past. Their common expectation is “I wan’t to contribute more to my organization but am not able to. I work really hard but it’s still difficult to meet my targets.”…
7 Life Lessons From The Himalayas
After a long time I did go back to my favorite place on earth, which is the Himalayan Range of Mountains. Even though I have traversed across the mountains many a times before, this time it was very special.
We …
21 Ways To Motivate Yourself And Get Back On Track When You’re Feeling Stuck And Down
No matter how clear you are about your goals and your actions, there are always times when you lose motivation, feel stuck and don’t want to get back on track.
It can be very hard when you get into that …
The Secret To Living A Life Of Adventure And Passion
“Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.” ~Denis Whitley
Are you going through a life situation that makes you feel frustrated and unhappy?…
How To Develop Emotional Maturity
Emotional maturity is one of the things that determines the quality of your life.
It can be defined as one’s ability to experience a full range of emotions from delight to grief without losing your head.
Over the years, I’ve …
Remarkable Leadership – Leading With Trust And Integrity
Have you ever done any of the following?
- Said the wrong things at the wrong time
- Misjudged a situation
- Did not keep your promises
- Lied to people
If yes, you’re not alone. Almost every single person puts their foot in …
3 Steps To Be More Action Oriented And Win The War Within
When was the last time you were stuck in a situation where you knew what you should be doing but could not move an inch due to the habit of procrastination.
I do come across people who have been putting …
Here’s How To Escape the Fake Goal Trap
Most people are stressed because they are overwhelmed with the number of things they need to do in the given 24 hour day. If the tasks in hand does stress you out, then you need to remember that working on …
Here’s How To Become Twice As Valuable In The Shortest Amount Of Time
One of the most profound learning I have gained over the years is “Either you manage time or time will manage you”. One key trait, which does come out right in the front of any successful person, is their Art …
Here’s How To Create More Luck And Success In Your Life
Are you someone who believes that your friends, colleagues and others succeeded out of sheer luck? Do you feel that luck is far more important than skill when it comes to making progress and creating success?
If yes, you’re not …
Here’s How To Become Mentally Tough And Become A Person Of Iron-Will
One of the most remarkable traits that super-achievers possess is their Mental Toughness. This one single trait is what enables them to achieve long-term success in whatever they do.
Success doesn’t happen by luck or chance. Success in the short-term …
How To Change Yourself Successfully
Are you someone who thrives on constant change or someone who abhors it? Some of the greatest game-changing shifts happen when you begin to adapt to the situation and work from where you are with what you already have.
Whether …
Discover The #1 Key To Completely Flip Your Life For The Better… Even If All Seems Hopeless Right Now
Did you know that some of the best people in every field diligently work on ONE key trait that is responsible for both their personal and professional success?
Would you like to discover what that is? If yes, pay close …
Are you Happy with your Life?
I come across many people who wish that their personal or professional lives could have been happier. However they do not know that the responsibility for this is always within themselves.
Working as a “Professional Life Coach” has given me …
Bounce your way back from failure
Failure can be painful for most of us and more often than not the biggest mistake people make is to stay hurt & be in a state of Non-inertia for way too long.
Failure can hurt, if you are emotionally …
3 tips to be a smart learner
Humans are creatures of habit. We tend to do the same things and are bound to get the same results. When it comes to learning an empowering habit or action, it is imperative, that we work towards learning a smarter …
What is Soulful Living?
I was asked this question in one of my seminars, during the Q&A session. Even though I could not do justice to this question then, I had promised myself that I would try and get this message across in my …
Be Optimistic to create opportunities
Optimistic people are most of the time forward looking and anticipate that things will go well later today, tomorrow or in the months or years to come.
According to me this is one of the most critical aspects for one …
Learn to Ride the Momentum Wave
Transformation in life begins in picking a Momentum wave & riding it. Have you been stuck with a vision, dream or even a Life goal, for lack of momentum? Well fear not, I have walked this path before.
You might …
Success does leave clues
Are you looking at being extremely successful in your chosen field & wish you had a user manual to refer to in times of need? Most want to, but they also do not know how to.
Working as a Life …
Being Assertive can completely transform your Life
Assertiveness is a trait which goes hand in hand with our belief & values. Have you been caught napping, at a time in your life when a little more Assertiveness would have done you a world of good?
I have …
Are you walking the “Burnout” Road?
Are you aware that each one of us will eventually come face to face with a Burnout in our life? If we do not take it seriously, it eventually can put us out of commission.
Burnouts are common nowadays. I …
Life Change’s with an Attitude of Optimism, expectancy and enthusiasm
Our attitude makes or breaks us to a large extent. You can be super successful with most of the things at your disposal, but at end of the day if you always feel lousy then all the things with you, …
Are you overwhelmed by Negativity?
At times, I wonder why there is so much Negativity around us & what is stopping people from shifting towards joy & happiness?
You are not alone, if you tend to get influenced in your thoughts & actions when there …
Managing Critics makes all the difference
Critics are always a part of our life. They could exist in the office, social circles or even in our own homes. Basically it is important for each one of us to learn about “how to identify critics” and move …
Overcome the Success roadblocks for the year ahead.
With the New Year round the corner I am sure most of you are working towards making the next twelve months the most successful. However if you are aware of the trap doors, you will be in a better position …
Being compelling is just a beginning
Are you making an unsuccessful effort in reaching out to people when trying to sell something or like in my case reaching out to people in helping Transforming Lives? Well to be successful, you need to work first towards selling …
It’s time to stop dwelling and Move on
If any of you have had an old gramophone, you would remember that the same music kept playing on if the disc had a scratch. This would carry on, till the needle was physically moved to the next groove. Does …
How do you know you have developed a good Habit?
Are you aware that more than 50% of our behaviors on a day to day basis are habitual and not intentional?Well this means that,if you really want to, you can work towards changing any of your dis empowering behavior into …
Rewire Your Mind & Erase Negative Thoughts
Being negative is a choice rather than a chance for most people. Being negative can be extremely detrimental to one’s life. Over the years, I have seen that having a negative approach to life will create more problems and influence …
Work on a productive overdrive
Do you often feel overworked, overwhelmed and overloaded? Most of the people who are not able to manage their time and personal productivity, go through this learning curve. With Multitasking being the new buzzword, this is bound to get worse.…
What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger
A Crisis will hit you when you least expect it. Can one be prepared to handle any crisis and come out stronger?
A Crisis can either make or break us. How you manage the whole cycle will eventually make you …
How not to let fear run you
How would your life be if fear was only a word you knew about in the dictionary? Well fear of failure is probably the highest reason which stops most people from living their dream.
You can find some solace to …
Get Motivated & stay that way
Have you had days where you are absolutely motivated and felt you could do just about anything? Well all of us go through these patches at times in our lives but somehow miss out on ensuring that we stay motivated …
It is time to face your fears
Are you always chained to your fears which stop you from making the biggest changes in your life?
Well … fret not because you are not alone. Having worked with people in helping them overcome some of their biggest fears, …
How do you move out of your comfort zone?
My last Blog got some amazing response from my readers, especially with respect to the – “Frog in hot water syndrome” words that I had used. What I meant by that was by being in your comfort zone over a …
Why Motivation is not just a 10 letter word?
Do you feel motivated in some areas & the exact opposite in other areas? Well do not fret,I come across lot of people who do find themselves with the same predicament.
Motivation is a state of mind and I believe …
Life is not a lottery; it’s what you make out of it
Have you stopped in your tracks and thought about how your life would change, if you could be much more optimistic and positive? Well, over the years I have worked with quite a few clients who only wanted to work …
How do you beat the Anxious Bug?
Do you get often bitten by the anxious bug? Well we all, at some point of time guilty in this area; However the truth is, you do not need to go through this and it is easy to beat anxiety …
Life lessons from Kaiser
If you are wondering who Kaiser is – well he is about a year old Labrador retriever who was abandoned, rescued & finally adopted by me. I have always been a dog lover and as some of you can probably …
You are your own hero
Coaching and interacting with different people across cultures, I have realized that most people are at the mercy of external circumstances. They do not realize that we cannot change our external environment to a large extent but can dig into …
Some lessons learnt as I walked away from a car crash
In more than two decades of driving, I’ve never had a serious accident. Occasionally the thought did occur to me and I came close to this two days back. An overspending hatchback rear ended our vehicle, which was pulled off …
Does Visualization really work for me?
The week has been phenomenal for the simple reason that I have been helping my coaching clients work on their goals through visualization.
Is visualizing a myth or is there something more to it? When I look back I am …
Some lessons learnt from leaving my corporate Job
I have been receiving a number of calls from people who unfortunately have succumbed to the market condition and lost their jobs. I feel for them from the bottom of my heart, but according to me, the most important thing …
Stop comparing yourself to others
The one thing, one can do to click on their own low confidence switch is to compare someone’s strength to their own weakness. I have noticed this so many times over the years and was myself not immune to this …
It’s time to stop the blame game
Have you noticed someone who always blames others for their shortcomings? Well do not be surprised, there are quite a few around us who do not take responsibility for their actions and find solace in blaming others.
Over the last …
Open your world to new possibilities
How is that some of us create possibilities and others only react when things happen. Well, I am a strong believer that you can create your life’s blueprint just the way you want and not react to things that have …
How do you make reflection a daily habit and evolve from it
Often several times in a day I reflect on my day, my life, on what I’ve been doing right and what isn’t working. I reflect on every aspect of my life and from this habit of reflection I am able …
How to overcome negative thoughts and turn it positive
How do you eliminate stress from your Life
Take control of your days which are turning you crazy
Are there some days where you feel helpless and why something like this is happening to me? well most of us come across something like this during our work /home life and the best thing to do is not be …