How Do You Prepare For Life’s Ups And Downs?

Richard Sengupta reached out to me couple of weeks back and during the conversation he did mention that “Satish in the last 6 months I have gone through the worst of times and also the best of the times” Now …

Challenge Yourself To Learn Something New

Learning is a never-ending process and one should always be open to learn and also unlearn. When the opportunity does arise one should never give up to grab with both the hands. Our High Performance Alchemy Masterclass which is on …

Be So Positive That Negativity Doesn’t Affect You!

Of late, the phrases “Be positive”, “Life is awesome!”, “I am really excited!” and so on have become quite common. Sometimes, it may seem like how can anyone be so positive all the time?

Are people merely putting on an …

The Minimalist Guide To 2x Your Health Quotient

Everybody does know that it’s a gargantuan task to make big changes in life to become healthier. However, if I tell you that the opposite does work more effectively, at least some of you might be interested to know more.…

Here Is How To Reset The Clock Of Aging

Every now and then when I interact with New Gen Entrepreneurs or Corporate Executives  one thing is certain that most are lot less healthy than the previous generations.

Being fit affects how you look, the way you move and eventually …

Losing Motivation At Work?

Here’s How To Bust Stress And Take Your Performance To The Next Level

Are you an entrepreneur or an executive who typically eats a rushed lunch hunched over the keyboard? Do you find yourself too swamped with work to take …

3 Sure fire Strategies To Alleviate Your Stress At Work

For most corporate executives, their typical work day is jam-packed with activity comprising of meetings, hundreds of emails, phone calls and tasks that all require an urgent response.

The constant activity and quick switch of focus from one thing to …

How to Overcome Negative Mindset And Come Out Triumphant

1If you’re like most people, you too would have been affected by the myriad of negative thoughts and energies that bombard us at different times of the day. Even though certain kinds of negative thoughts and emotions can help keep …

Enjoy the ride of your Life

Do you see your life through a mindset of scarcity or one of abundance? Most people walk through life with constant fear of tomorrow since they do not know what is in the making.

When you do not know as …

Are you balanced in life?

Working on being balanced in life is different for each one of us. Most according to me want to be productive in their professional or personal lives by not compromising much in their Emotional & physical states.

Maintaining a fine …

What is Soulful Living?

I was asked this question in one of my seminars, during the Q&A session. Even though I could not do justice to this question then,  I had promised myself that I would try and get this message across in my …

What is your Wellness Quotient?

Do you focus on being more healthy in the mind or the body? Well you will be surprised to know that most focus on being healthier physically. However wellness is nothing, but being in top notch shape both in the …

Turn your Frustrating Life into a Great one

Are you one or know of someone who has reached a stage in life, where nothing works as planned. Do you see the simplest things, frustrating you and sending you off towards self pity?

Well you are not alone. Most …

Are you living Life in Denial Mode

I come across, far too many people living in the “Denial Mode” which is nothing but avoiding the truth, procrastinating and eventually delaying taking tough decisions. If this sounds familiar, then it is time to switch modes.

All of us, …

Sleep is the foundation of strong and healthy living

 I come across many people, who think that they can get away with about 4-5 hours of sleep, live life aggressively and make the best use of their limited  time. If you are walking this tight rope, then it’s time …

Are you overwhelmed by Negativity?

At times, I wonder why there is so much Negativity around us & what is stopping people from shifting towards joy & happiness?

You are not alone, if you tend to get influenced in your thoughts & actions when there …

Riding an Emotional Wave Is More than Just Willpower

Do you struggle to regulate your emotions, manage your thoughts & think positively irrespective of your circumstances? Well then it is time to focus on your Emotional nerve, which helps one to gain clarity & focus in life.

Working on …

Happiness is not an elusive muscle.

All of us want to be happy, but only very few have a clue about how to get and remain there. Are you aware that your Happiness & Emotional quotient go hand in hand, with both of them feeding on …

Make Enthusiasm your best buddy

I  have seen more than enough people in this journey over the years as a Life & Wellness Coach who stop pursuing their dreams due to a  lack of Enthusiasm. Even though this is a state of mind just like …

How to work towards a Calmer you

Being calm is not something with which all of us are bestowed but something each one of us can work towards and eventually master. Haven’t you wished many a time that a calmer response or reaction could have altered the …

Why eating raw food is always a healthy choice

Have you eaten raw food at times & felt more energised at the end of the day?Well in this case I am talking of raw vegan food and sorry to disappoint some of you, it is not about Sushi.

I …

It is time to face your fears

Are you always chained to your fears which stop you from making the biggest changes in your life?

Well … fret not because you are not alone. Having worked with people in helping them overcome some of their biggest fears, …

Why Motivation is not just a 10 letter word?

Do you feel motivated in some areas & the exact opposite in other areas? Well do not fret,I come across lot of people who do find themselves with the same predicament.

Motivation is a state of mind and I believe …

How to overcome Negative thoughts and Actions

Have you been struggling with managing your Negative thoughts and Actions lately? Well worry not,Negative thoughts are normal and most of us, at some point of time, tend to have it. some of us are more conditioned to think Negatively …

Simple strategies to flip around your Life completely.

Working with a substantial number of people, over the years, in helping them change their lives has made me absolutely certain that there are clear strategies one can do to improve. These are – think more positively, be more focused …

Learning’s from writing my 100th Blog article

It’s been slightly more than a year since I began writing on Self development and health related topics. When I look back, I cannot imagine that I am actually writing my 100th Blog article today. There have been some …

Let go of the past and focus on the future

My recent post on Letting go of the past on my Facebook Page got some amazing response & got me thinking why not write a Blog on the same. Working with people in Redesigning their lives, has made me aware …

Are you knocking at the door of chronic stress?

As a Life & Wellness Coach, people get in touch with me for various challenges they are facing in their life. When working with people one gets some great insights and experience. One common factor which drives people over the …

Does Visualization really work for me?

The week has been phenomenal for the simple reason that I have been helping my coaching clients work on their goals through visualization.

Is visualizing a myth or is there something more to it? When I look back I am …

How do you train yourself to be more positive?

One thing which people value the most according to me  is to just be positive. I have had some people over the years telling me that “You know, it does not matter if I lose everything, but I need to …

How to stay on the lasting road of Wellness

This is for those of you who have reached the pinnacle of your goals, say a healthy body weight ratio, toned body or even running a marathon. What do you do after you accomplish success? Does time suddenly come to …

Why being fit is not complicated

I had an interesting discussion on fitness with one of my callers who had tried everything under the sun to become fit but had failed in the effort. She mentioned that Health & fitness was way too complicated. Well as …

Stop comparing yourself to others

The one thing, one can do to click on their own low confidence switch is to compare someone’s strength to their own weakness. I have noticed this so many times over the years and was myself not immune to this …

It’s time to stop the blame game

Have you noticed someone who always blames others for their shortcomings? Well do not be surprised, there are quite a few around  us who do not take responsibility for their actions and find solace in blaming others.
Over the last …

How to be absolutely focused in times of adversity

As an individual One is sure to face major obstacles in their life journey. This, if worked on properly, can make you stronger in the days to come. I generally see people who are absolutely focused on their short or …

Keys for a lasting inspiration

Everyone wants to be absolutely inspired every day and ensure that they make the best use of the day. However for some being inspired and inspiring others is an uphill task as the road is always strewn with insurmountable difficulties.…

Open your world to new possibilities

How is that some of us create possibilities and others only react when things happen. Well, I am a strong believer that you can create your life’s blueprint just the way you want and not react to things that have …

How to work on nipping depression in the bud

One of the curses of our fast paced lives, multi tasking, unhealthy habits and Yes genetics is depression. This is the leading health issue in corporate India. I am sure most of you are surprised to hear this but i …

Lean and Fit is the In thing

When this question is asked to people, I am sure that more than 80 percent want to become lean and fit, including me. Working on this health goal is not Rocket science but it requires some careful adjustments in our …

Some Insights to get you into great shape

While most of the people out there want to lose weight and get healthier, the common denominator is that basically all people want to do, is get into shape. I know the old adage that Round is also a shape. …

How to overcome negative thoughts and turn it positive

Getting negative thoughts is very common  but being aware  and working on overcoming it is what every one should work on diligently.What made me put on a thinking cap was a conversation   I overheard  of a young person in the

Yoga for Gen X to Z

When I started practicing Yoga about 2 years back, I never dreamt that one day I would be sitting with my Laptop on a wonderful Tuesday afternoon and going Ga Ga about it. Even though I don’t consider myself an

Overcome Fear to make it your best partner

Last week while conversing with a good friend of mine, she mentioned that she did something unimaginable to overcome her fear. She was so jazzed about it and said that it was the best day of her life when she

How to stick to your Goals when Life does act up

Have you ever been gung ho on a great exercise plan, lifestyle or even a habit change and all of a sudden an unforeseen crisis in life like an accident or a promotion comes up. Everything you have built around

Healthy lifestyle for the Women in your life

Yesterday I happened to meet a pretty young girl who had a mindset that it is difficult for Indian women to lose weight and look lean. Even though I did not agree with her, I did make her realise