Does Your Emotional Behaviour Impact Your Career?

Emotional behaviour plays a significant role in shaping your career. How you manage and express your emotions can influence your work relationships, job performance and overall career trajectory. Understanding the impact of emotional behaviour and learning to navigate it effectively …

The Need for Emotional Centering in Organizations:

A Call to HR Professionals

In today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving corporate landscape organizations are realizing the critical importance of fostering not just technical skills but also emotional intelligence (EI) among their employees. 

Emotional intelligence, the ability to recognize, understand …

Integrate Emotional Centering Into Your Daily Routine

Creating a sustainable and supportive environment that nurtures well-being and enhances overall performance requires a holistic approach. 

One powerful method to achieve this is by integrating emotional centering into your daily routine. 

Emotional centering is the practice of grounding yourself …

Managing the Impact of Others’ Irritating Habits

We all have habits, some of which may irritate others. While you can’t control the actions of those around you, you can manage your reactions to them. Dealing with others’ irritating habits can be draining, especially when they occur in …

Why Do Employees Shy Away from Working on Emotional Centering?

Emotional centering, the practice of maintaining emotional balance and resilience, is crucial in today’s fast-paced work environment. Despite its importance, many employees shy away from working on their emotional centering. 

This reluctance can be attributed to several factors, including 

  • misconceptions

How to Stay Emotionally Centered in a Toxic Environment

Being emotionally centered is challenging, especially when you find yourself in a toxic environment. Such settings can drain your energy, affect your mental health and make it difficult to maintain your emotional equilibrium. However, it is possible to stay grounded …

The Impact on Your Aura When You Don’t Practice Emotional Centering

Your aura, an energy field that surrounds your body, reflects your emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. When you practice emotional centering, your aura is balanced and vibrant, radiating positivity and health. However, neglecting emotional centering can significantly impact your aura, …

The Importance of Emotional Centering from Childhood

Emotional centering, the process of understanding and managing your emotions, is an essential skill that ideally should be cultivated from a young age. Your journey with emotional centering can be a continuous learning experience, shaped by various life events and …

How Emotional Centering Helps You Overcome Stress in Turbulent Times

In an era marked by rapid changes and unpredictable challenges, stress has become a common part of everyday life. Turbulent times—whether they arise from personal crises, global events or significant life changes—can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. 

Emotional centering …

Mastering Emotional Centering: 

Dos and Don’ts for a Balanced Life 

In today’s fast-paced world, staying emotionally centered can feel like a Herculean task. Yet, maintaining emotional equilibrium is crucial for your mental health, relationships and overall well-being. Whether you are facing daily stressors …

Are You Emotionally Centred? Test Yourself!

Imagine walking through the doors of your office, feeling the weight of countless tasks and looming deadlines pressing down on you. Your mind races and stress begins to creep in, threatening to derail your day before it even begins. 

Now, …

How Hobbies Help You in Your Professional Life

Hobbies are often seen as mere pastimes, activities we engage in to unwind and have fun. However, their benefits extend far beyond personal enjoyment. Engaging in hobbies can have a profound impact on your professional life, enhancing your skills, boosting …

7 Roadblocks That Prevent Work-Life Balance

Balancing personal and professional life can be a challenging endeavour, often fraught with roadblocks that complicate the pursuit of harmony between these two important spheres. 

Here are seven common obstacles you might face along with strategies to address them.


Practical Steps to Build and Maintain Momentum

Momentum is a powerful force that can propel you towards your goals with greater ease and efficiency. Understanding how to build and maintain momentum can make a significant difference in your personal and professional life. Here are some practical steps …

How Personal Areas Impact Your Professional Life

In today’s fast-paced world, the line between personal and professional life is increasingly blurred. What happens in your personal life inevitably affects your professional performance.

Recognizing and addressing the personal areas that influence your work can lead to a more …

Is Divorce Still Affecting You? How to Escape the Trap?

Divorce is often considered one of life’s most challenging experiences, leaving a lasting impact on individuals long after the legal proceedings have concluded. Whether you are navigating the aftermath of a recent divorce or still grappling with the emotional scars …

Family First!

Defend Against Toxic Work Environments

In the relentless pursuit of professional success, many of us find ourselves tethered to demanding careers, striving to meet the expectations of our bosses. 

But what happens when those expectations become toxic, seeping into every …

The Power of Incremental Progress

Embarking on the road to success is akin to embarking on a grand adventure, one where every single step matters. Whether you are striving for professional milestones, personal growth or chasing your dreams, each stride you take plays an integral …

Unravelling the Mysteries of Low Self-Esteem:

10 Reasons Why You Might Experience It

Do you ever find yourself caught in a whirlwind of self-doubt and insecurity? 

You are not alone… 

Low self-esteem is a common experience that can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or background. …

10 Tips to Rediscover Yourself and Live Authentically

Finding yourself is a journey that many embark on but few truly complete. It’s a process of self-discovery, introspection and growth that leads to a deeper understanding and acceptance of who you are. If you are feeling disconnected from yourself …

Choosing Between Therapy and Coaching:

Finding the Right Path to Personal Growth

Life presents us with various challenges, transitions and opportunities for growth. In navigating these complexities, it’s essential to have the right support system in place. But when it comes to seeking help, how …

The Psychology of Job Insecurity: How It Consumes You, Step by Step

In the modern workplace, job insecurity has become an all too familiar spectre that looms over the minds of many professionals, casting a shadow of uncertainty and anxiety. Whether fuelled by economic downturns, corporate restructuring or technological advancements, the fear …

Awakening the Mind: A Tale of Personal Transformation

Deepak, a software engineer living in Bengaluru, finds himself stuck in a monotonous routine. Day in and day out, he navigates through the bustling streets of the city, feeling a sense of emptiness gnawing at his soul. But little does …

From Intention To Action: The Power Of Accountability

Just imagine … You have got a goal in mind. 

Maybe it’s starting a business, getting in shape or mastering a new skill. 

It’s exciting, right? 

But then, life happens! 

Distractions pop up, motivation wanes and suddenly that goal seems …

Harnessing the Power of Perspectives

In a world filled with diverse opinions, experiences and beliefs, perspectives stand as powerful agents shaping your understanding of reality. They color your thoughts, influence your decisions and ultimately define who you are. Embracing the multiplicity of perspectives isn’t just …

Amidst the noise, find your unique resonance.

Today, let’s dive into something that’s near and dear to my heart: being authentic. You know, that feeling when you are being true to yourself, speaking your truth and owning your uniqueness.

In a world that’s constantly bombarding us with …

Build your success story: One consistent effort at a time

In the pursuit of success, you often find yourself searching for the secret formula, the elusive key that will unlock the doors to your dreams. While strategies and tactics certainly play a role, one of the most potent forces driving …

Beyond oneself: True success uplifts others.

Have you ever wondered what sets successful people apart from the rest? It’s not just about talent or luck; it’s about mindset and focus. Our thoughts shape our reality and what we choose to fill our minds with can significantly …

Choose your reactions wisely!

Today, let us talk about a topic that is close to many of our hearts: the art of reacting or should I say, the wisdom of selective reaction. 

You see, in this fast-paced world where every beep of our phone …

Sleep: Fuel for Success in Today’s Fast-Paced World

Today, let’s have a heart-to-heart talk about something that’s often overlooked in our fast-paced professional lives – sleep. It’s time to discuss why you shouldn’t keep neglecting sleep any longer and why it deserves a spot at the top of …

Drive Your Dreams Forward with Persistent Effort

Are you tired of feeling stuck in the same old routine, yearning for change but never quite taking that first step towards your goals? You are not alone. Many of us have grand aspirations but struggle to turn them into …

Self-care first, toxic behavior last

Navigating relationships with individuals who exhibit irritating patterns of behaviour can be challenging, but implementing a structured approach can help insulate you from repeated frustration. 

The following eight-step process provides a roadmap for addressing and managing such behaviours effectively, allowing …

Leap over barriers, thrive in your career journey.

Let’s talk about those pesky external career obstacles that seem to have a knack for triggering you. You know the ones – the missed promotion, the project that didn’t go as planned or maybe even the dreaded job rejection. It’s …

10 Must-Have Discussions for Growth!

In the fast-paced world of career development, the ability to engage in meaningful conversations can be a game-changer. These discussions aren’t just about passing the time; they are pivotal moments that can propel your career forward, helping you gain clarity, …

Empowering Women Leaders: Conquering Limiting Beliefs

As we approach International Women’s Day, it’s an opportune moment to delve into a topic that resonates deeply with many of you: overcoming limiting beliefs. As women navigating the path of leadership, you often encounter internal barriers that impede your …

Smart Investments for Lasting Growth

In the pursuit of personal and professional development, it’s natural to seek the most cost-effective solutions. However, when it comes to choosing between therapy and professional coaching, prioritizing cost over your actual needs can be a short-sighted approach. 

While it’s …

Career Crossroads: Evolve or Exit?

Are you feeling stuck in a rut at work, longing for something more but unsure of your next move? It’s a common dilemma and while the knee-jerk reaction might be to polish up the old resume and start job hunting, …

Ambition fueled. Opportunities realized.

Picture this: You are sitting at your desk, the glow of your computer screen casting a soft light upon your face. Yet, despite the appearance of productivity, there’s a nagging feeling of dissatisfaction gnawing at the corners of your …

A 5-Point To-Do List for Future-Proofing Your Life and Career

In a world where the job market is as unpredictable as ever, it’s natural to experience emotional mood swings fuelled by the fear of job loss. However, dwelling on this fear indefinitely is not a sustainable solution. 

Instead, let’s focus …

Team Synergy: Your Blueprint for Workplace Triumph

Few principles are as transformative as synergy—the harmonious collaboration that elevates individual efforts to extraordinary heights. 

As you navigate your career, understanding how to build and nurture synergy in the workplace is akin to unlocking a door to unparalleled success. …

Mental well-being amidst uncertainty

Fear of job loss often casts a looming shadow over our sense of security, triggering emotions that can lead to a downward spiral into depression. 

As we navigate the complexities of today’s professional landscape, the uncertainty surrounding employment can evoke …

Mid-life career fog? Let’s find your clarity together

The mid-point of our journey often marks a juncture where we pause to reflect on the path we have travelled and ponder the road ahead. It’s entirely natural to encounter career confusion during this phase – a moment when questions …

Maverick Mindset Mastery

In the pursuit of career success, it’s often beneficial to challenge conventional wisdom and explore alternative mindsets that can set you apart. Embracing a maverick mindset involves daring to be different, thinking creatively and approaching your professional journey with a …

Defy Insecurity, Embrace Success!

Insecurity is a common thread that weaves through our stories, often leaving us feeling adrift. 

In many instances, insecurity stems from a deep-seated fear of judgment and a pervasive sense of inadequacy. This fear is often fuelled by an innate …

Team Triumph: The Trust Formula 

Navigating the intricacies of team dynamics can be both challenging and rewarding. One of the fundamental pillars for a team’s success is trust. If trust is lacking within your team, it can hinder collaboration, communication and overall productivity. Here, we …

New Year, New You: Resolution Revolution

As the calendar turns its page to a new year, a wave of anticipation and hope washes over you. It’s a time when countless people around the globe engage in the tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions. From shedding unwanted …

Bridging the Gap: Technical Prowess Meets Leadership Excellence

In your dynamic journey of personal and career growth, the question arises: are technical skills alone sufficient for your ascent to leadership roles? While technical proficiency undeniably forms the foundation of your success, the path to leadership demands a nuanced …

Decoding the Dynamics: Facing Challenges with Non-Listeners

Are you facing an issue with non-listeners and finding that it’s impacting problem resolution? Let’s delve into the psychological intricacies behind non-listening behaviours and explore how they can hinder effective communication and conflict resolution.

Are you curious about the roots

Embracing The Journey Of Cognitive Enhancement

In the fast-paced world we live in, filled with a barrage of information and constant distractions, the ability to retain and recall information is more crucial than ever. As we navigate the challenges of work, learning, and personal development, one …

Embracing the Art of Minimalism in Communication

In a world filled with constant chatter and information overload, the power of saying less to mean more has become a rare gem. It’s a communication strategy that, when embraced, can truly transform your life. Here, we will delve into …

Nurturing Your Inner Child: A Gateway to Success in Life and Career

In the demanding landscape of our professional lives, it’s easy to overlook the impact that career troubles can have on our inner child—the whimsical, creative, and resilient part of ourselves that often gets buried beneath deadlines and performance pressures.

Here, …

Unlock Your Drive: Cracking the Motivation Code

Have you ever wondered why “motivation” isn’t just a simple 10-letter word? Well, because it’s a powerhouse, a game-changer and the key to unlocking your best self. We all experience motivation differently in various areas of our lives – soaring …

Career Mastery Starts with You: Be Authentically Successful

In the realm of professional growth, the notion of playing one’s way up the career ladder can be a tempting, albeit short-sighted, approach. While some may advocate for office politics and strategic alliances, research consistently highlights alternative, more sustainable paths …

Navigating a corporate career is often akin to a complex maze. It’s rife with challenges that can hinder progress, affect mental well-being and stall professional growth. 

From navigating office politics to managing burnout, these hurdles can significantly impact your journey …

Workplace bullying is a pervasive issue that can significantly impact one’s professional and personal life. Sometimes, external support, such as HR intervention, might be insufficient or unavailable. 

Studies by organizations like the Indian Society of Labour Economics have highlighted the …

In the bustling job market, where competition is fierce, the ability to communicate effectively can be your secret weapon for career growth. Here, we will delve into the importance of communication and how mastering this skill can propel you to …

Have you ever felt like life is a tightrope walk, a delicate balancing act where one wrong step could send everything crashing down? I know I have. It’s a universal struggle, the pursuit of balance in our lives and careers. …

Innovation is not confined to corporate labs or tech startups. It is a dynamic force that can transform the mundane into the extraordinary within the fabric of your daily life. Here, we will delve into practical strategies, backed by examples, …

In the high-speed race of modern life, burnout lurks in the shadows, waiting to strike when you least expect it. It’s the sneaky saboteur of productivity, silently gnawing away at your energy and enthusiasm. But fear not, for we are …

Cubicle Confusion to Clarity: Mastering Office Politics

Office politics, much like a cryptic language, can confound even the most seasoned professionals. 

You might wonder why some people seem to climb the corporate ladder effortlessly while others remain stuck. Well, it’s not just about working hard; it’s about …

Fear is just an illusion in your mind

I have realized over the years that the mere fact of facing up to the fear will make most of us freeze in our paths towards being more decisive. More than often,the fear of action makes many people lead a …

Open your Mind for some great Ideas

If you are working towards generating great ideas to improve your life, then it’s time to unchain yourself from the mundane, conventional thoughts, which occupy your brain.

Over the last few weeks, I have been working on this aspect in …

Course Correct Yourself To Find Your Passion

The year 2010 was the year for me when I was spearheading a big project and working through deadlines. There was a critical issue which did ensure that my tech team had to work round the clock and even though …

Boss Management Why No Company Teaches You??

Let us all agree that for most people working in an organization, your respective boss will always be on top of the list of people who does matter. It was no different for me, when a decade back I also …

Masculinity Is Never About Being Strong All The Time

Over the last one decade, my profession has given me some deep insights on how women and men think and express their feelings. Now what I am going to share in the next few paragraphs are only about my experience …

Your Daily Rituals Can Make Or Break You

Have you heard the words “A family which eats together stays together” Well, when I did heard this for the first-time many decades back I was not surprised because our family always did have at least one meal together.

When …

Here Is How To Get Motivated And Stay Motivated

Recently, I received a call from my friend Jimmesh Sarvotam who was my school mate and later also my batch mate during my college days. We had studied together for almost a decade plus and Jimmesh was always the studious …

How Do You Prepare For Life’s Ups And Downs?

Richard Sengupta reached out to me couple of weeks back and during the conversation he did mention that “Satish in the last 6 months I have gone through the worst of times and also the best of the times” Now …

5 Lessons To Learn Sooner Than Later In Life

One of the most common thoughts I did hear from a majority of my own clients over the years was “Satish, If I had only learnt this early in my life, I would not have wasted all my time on …

Your Willpower And Self Control Can Be The Gamechanger

There is no Secret to massive Success. All of us do know that doing something which you are passionate about on a consistent basis with absolute focus will eventually get you to your big goals. However, this is what goes …

Here Is How To Make 2018 Your Breakthrough Year

Raghu reached out to me couple of months back for Executive Coaching. He was heading the Technical Team in his company. His concern was that his team-mates were not showing much enthusiasm towards their job. I asked him the nature …

Challenge Yourself To Learn Something New

Learning is a never-ending process and one should always be open to learn and also unlearn. When the opportunity does arise one should never give up to grab with both the hands. Our High Performance Alchemy Masterclass which is on …

What If People Around You are Toxic?

Prashant was involved in a project which he really loved. It was one of the best projects in his organization. He was proud to be a part of that team. Things were going on really well when something changed overtime. …

Be So Positive That Negativity Doesn’t Affect You!

Of late, the phrases “Be positive”, “Life is awesome!”, “I am really excited!” and so on have become quite common. Sometimes, it may seem like how can anyone be so positive all the time?

Are people merely putting on an …

Consistency – Is It A Want Or An Absolute Need?

Just imagine going to a hill-station by bus or your car . As many of you would already have experienced, you will obviously have to go through several twists and turns, Right? One wrong turn … you drop down below …

7 Reasons Which Prevent You From Being More Confident

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life

– Marcus Garvey

If there is one life skill which propels you up the success ladder, it is building confidence! However, this particular life …

Can Individual Transformation Help An Organization?

Many clients have come to me for coaching in the past. Their common expectation is “I wan’t to contribute more to my organization but am not able to. I work really hard but it’s still difficult to meet my targets.”…

Here Is How To Rewire Your Brain For Success

How successful you are often depends on your emotional state. The emotional state is directly connected to the state of your mind. So, if you are someone looking at success outside you, then you are trying to find the pot …

Bounce Back From Anything In Life In 3 Simple Steps

Resilience is the word that defines one’s ability to rise again strongly after being knocked down.

Confucius once spoke of resilience as our greatest glory. These were his words, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising

5 Ways To Turn Back The Clock In Less Than 8 Weeks

Do you remember your wonder years? For most like me it would have been wanting to get older, have the freedom to do whatever we wanted and not be answerable to parents and siblings. There were times during my teen …

High Performing Executives Decoded

For some of you who do not know yet, I have been working on my upcoming book High Performance Alchemy for a year now and have been interviewing some Top C Level Executives across India to know their insights as …

Clean Office Politics … Is It A Myth?

If you are hearing about office Politics for the first time, then I am sure that you are either working as a Solopreneur or on a sabbatical. Any organization where people tend to spend more time at work than outside …

What Makes A True Leader?

This conversation happened recently with one of my clients during her Executive Coaching sessions. In the midst of our conversation, the focus shifted to Leadership as she made a remark “He was a True Leader!” about her Business Head. The …

10 Steps For An Amazing Life Transformation

More and more people are finding it difficult to stay in the present and stay focused. I do keep hearing this again and again. “Satish! I do find it next to impossible to stay focused and am overwhelmed with things …

Emotional Intelligence Your Key To Be Successful In Life

Are you aware  that Emotional Intelligence is what separates  the best performers from the rest of the pack.

Emotional Intelligence is something which cannot be measured easily. However it does play a critical role in how each one of us …

7 Life Lessons From The Himalayas

After a long time I did go back to my favorite place on earth, which is the Himalayan Range of Mountains. Even though I have traversed across the mountains many a times before, this time it was very special.

We …

Do You Procrastinate? 7 Surprising Reasons Behind It

One of the biggest challenge people face when it comes to being successful is that they tend to procrastinate. You might be someone who has picked up this habit recently or someone who has worked on it diligently over the …

5 Things To Do Before Breakfast To Win Every Day.

Over the last few weeks I have been personally interviewing some of the biggest CEO’s & Business Entrepreneurs for my upcoming book and the one factor which is not surprising and the common denominator is the way each one of …

Here Is How To Improve Your Likable Factor

Over the years I have come across far too many people who do believe that being likable is a natural ingrained trait that few lucky ones are born with.

However the reality is far from the truth. I am more …

4 Key Habits For Creating Personal And Professional Success

Over the years, I have worked with several executives and entrepreneurs.

Some of whom were extremely successful professionally but their personal life was nothing great .

At the same time, there have also been clients whose family life is brilliant, …

3 Warning Signs That You’re Working Too Hard

Let’s say you have some money set aside and are looking to invest it in a fund.

If you’re a prude investor, you’ll carefully explore alternate options, the risks involved and the total ROI % you’re going to get from …

How To Beat Perfectionism And Still Do Your Best Work

I have a question for you…

When I say the word ‘Perfect’, what comes to your mind?

Does the thought trigger a picture of someone who’s absolutely organized, always does tasks effectively and with 100% efficiency?

Do you feel you …

Here’s How To Reinvent Yourself In 5 steps

Are you unhappy with your current life situation? It might be your job, your business, your health or your relationships.

If you’re not satisfied with the results you are getting in any of these areas, it’s time to introspect and …

How To Redesign Your Life

Are you frustrated with your current life situation? Do you feel dissatisfied with your lifestyle?

If yes, you’re not alone. In the last few years, I have worked with many people just like you. They came to me because they …

5 Things You Can Do Starting Today To Get More Done

Would you like to learn how to get more done? Do you struggle to keep up with your commitments despite of having the best intentions?

The inability to get stuff done is a pandemic in our modern society. More and …

How To Prepare Your Mind For Peak Performance

There isn’t a lot of difference between YOU and Virat Kohli.

Both of you are required to perform at your highest levels continually. People higher in the food-chain expect you to produce the best results and questions are asked when …

How To Make Meditation A Daily Habit

Do you believe in the power of meditation but find yourself struggling to make it a habit? If yes, you’re not alone.

There are so many people that I speak to on a day to day basis who believe that …

Obliterate Procrastination!

4 Quick And Easy Steps To Overcome Procrastination And Get More Done, Period!

Almost every one of us procrastinates at some point in our lives. Even though we recognize the importance of doing something, we have an inherent tendency/temptation to …

Choose Optimism Over Negativity

If you are consistently leaning towards negative thoughts or even actions, remember it is your choice & before you can realise, you become extremely good at it.

Even though the human mind is extremely adaptive, it somehow tends to follow …

Success does leave clues

Are you looking at being extremely successful in your chosen field & wish you had a user manual to refer to in times of need? Most want to, but they also do not know how to.

Working as a Life …

Being Assertive can completely transform your Life

Assertiveness is a trait which goes hand in hand with our belief & values. Have you been caught napping, at a time in your life when a little more Assertiveness would have done you a world of good?

I have …

Are you proud of your own progress?

Most of the time, we tend to be hard on ourselves and do not realize, how far we have come from where we had initially started. It could be working  on ourselves or spending more time with our