My All Time 25 Fitness Tips

When it comes to being healthy there is definitely no “one glove fits all”. However since I have been working with people over the years closely who are stressed and are pushed towards living an unhealthy lifestyle some of these …

Have you focused on your Emotional Fitness?

I always believed that being fit is not only to be healthy physically, but also emotionally. In fact when I work with my clients I focus more on the emotional aspect with some of them since it is easier to …

Challenge Yourself To Learn Something New

Learning is a never-ending process and one should always be open to learn and also unlearn. When the opportunity does arise one should never give up to grab with both the hands. Our High Performance Alchemy Masterclass which is on …

Can Individual Transformation Help An Organization?

Many clients have come to me for coaching in the past. Their common expectation is “I wan’t to contribute more to my organization but am not able to. I work really hard but it’s still difficult to meet my targets.”…

Lose Weight & Gain Energy – 5 Simple Ways

Are you someone who is looking at losing weight and having more  energy? Well! Who does not want it? One of the most common health goals of all my clients,over the last 5 years has been to lose weight and …

How To Burn A Lot Of Fat Fast Without Exercise

Would you like to learn about how you can burn fat without any exercise at all? Does the above statement sound like a fake one?

If you’re like most people, your “I do not believe it!” radar would have gone …

How To Make Meditation A Daily Habit

Do you believe in the power of meditation but find yourself struggling to make it a habit? If yes, you’re not alone.

There are so many people that I speak to on a day to day basis who believe that …

4 Practical Steps To Lose Weight

Are you someone that’s struggling with your weight? If so, you’re not alone.

You’re one among the vast majority of entrepreneurs and executives that struggle with their weight.

It’s not easy to be overweight and lead a happy and content …

Here Is How To Reset The Clock Of Aging

Every now and then when I interact with New Gen Entrepreneurs or Corporate Executives  one thing is certain that most are lot less healthy than the previous generations.

Being fit affects how you look, the way you move and eventually …

Are You Over Thinking The Weight Loss Process?

When it comes to health and fitness, people do have questions and lots of them. More often than not I do see that people are confused more than ever for the simple reason that there is too much of information …

Losing Motivation At Work?

Here’s How To Bust Stress And Take Your Performance To The Next Level

Are you an entrepreneur or an executive who typically eats a rushed lunch hunched over the keyboard? Do you find yourself too swamped with work to take …

Are You Struggling To Wake Up Early?

Think about this for a moment…

It’s the crack of dawn, the sun is rising and you wake up with a spring in your step and get yourself ready.

You still have a few hours left before the hustle and …

Here’s How Your Corporate Career Is Slowly Killing You

If you’re like most corporate professionals or modern entrepreneurs, it’s likely that you spend a lot of your time sitting and working.

Almost all of the activities we do in our professional career involves 90% sitting – whether it’s taking …

Are you balanced in life?

Working on being balanced in life is different for each one of us. Most according to me want to be productive in their professional or personal lives by not compromising much in their Emotional & physical states.

Maintaining a fine …

Three steps to a Good night sleep.

Do you stay up late in the night, watching television or glued to your smartphone? No matter how hard you have been trying to regularise your sleep pattern you are slipping back in no time.

In my work as a …

Food intake can make or break you

Are you aware that the food you consume, can have a massive impact on your productivity at the physical & Emotional level by 20-30 percent at the very least?

Like automobiles which run on good fuel, it is the quality, …

3 reasons you are not losing weight

Have you been trying to lose weight but can’t seem to figure out why you’ve been unsuccessful? The answer isn’t the fad diet you’ve attempted, nor is it a simple matter of willpower.

Working with people over the years, has …

Re-work your relation with Food

Do you struggle to be in control with what you eat? Well most people tend to stray when it comes to unhealthy eating.

What causes the most damage, when it comes to your wellbeing is when you begin to associate …

3 Actions Steps to Exercise

The One question that always intrigues me is – why do some people tend to be more active, move around the day & stick to their workouts, while others tend to struggle to even get up from their chairs?

People …

Get to your best physique ever

Getting to be as lean as possible is what most desire. Though not a walk in the park, with some tweaks in your training, nutrition & lifestyle change  you can begin to move in the right direction.

For someone who …

Your Health is always in your Hands

What is the answer you get when you ask yourself, how healthy are you? Step back & ask yourself this question. It will take less than a minute.

The reason I am touching upon this topic is that a recent …

Ladies, it’s time to be healthy

If you are a woman overloaded with work on the personal & professional front and the last thing on your mind is your health, then you should be reading this Blog Article.

With Women’s day round the corner, it is …

What is your Wellness Quotient?

Do you focus on being more healthy in the mind or the body? Well you will be surprised to know that most focus on being healthier physically. However wellness is nothing, but being in top notch shape both in the …

Why Weight Loss is the easier part of the game.

When it comes to being healthy, there are two schools of thought – one belongs to those who find it difficult to lose weight and the other who find it difficult to maintain the lost weight.

When you begin to …

Overcome Stress before it overcomes you

Stress more often than not is bound to keep us on our feet. Over the years, most of us have allowed it to become a Frankenstein within each of us. If you are feeling numb, indecisive, suffering from weight issues …

Smart Food Rules to Live by

Do you go through a guilt trip & saddled with Emotions, when you slip up on your food intake? Well, you will be surprised to know that most of us follow ancient advice, when it comes to food intake & …

Sleep is the foundation of strong and healthy living

 I come across many people, who think that they can get away with about 4-5 hours of sleep, live life aggressively and make the best use of their limited  time. If you are walking this tight rope, then it’s time …

Why Antioxidants is the Key

Are you aware that the stress we put on ourselves on a daily basis creates so many free radicals, that we eventually become unstable @ the cellular level.

This means that in the process of not handling our stress, we …

Overcome Emotional Roller coasters

We have all experienced moments of being spaced out, remorseful, happy & exuberant. However when these moments happen regularly and begin to control one’s life, then you are going through an Emotional Roller coaster.

Working with people over the years, …

Stress Survival Plan

Stress has become a part of so many people’s lives that they have began to accept it. I am sure that, only a few know that Stress takes a toll on more than just your mood.

The number one issue …

Work on your Endurance & Stamina

Your endurance & stamina will go hand in hand, if you want to improve your health quotient. In my opinion working on these two factors will not only help you in your wellness area but also in overcoming  your limiting …

What you should not do in 2014 – Health wise

Most of the New Year resolutions fail, because people try to fit in too many things onto their plate. Recent studies show that we have only so much willpower and trying to break many habits at once is not practical.…

Step up on your Health Quotient

Being healthy is not just about eating right & hitting the gym 4-5 times a week. There is more to this, than what most comprehend. Being healthy is more of a choice than a chance. This post addresses what each …

Happiness is not an elusive muscle.

All of us want to be happy, but only very few have a clue about how to get and remain there. Are you aware that your Happiness & Emotional quotient go hand in hand, with both of them feeding on …

Healthy Habits Can Also De-rail Your Progress

Getting into an exercise habit is one thing, but sustaining it for a life time is another. As you might have guessed, I am addressing how you can sustain the momentum and ensure that you see some amazing progress in …

Are you knocking on the Burnout door?

Burnouts are common nowadays with stress level’s hitting the roof. It is related to feelings of monotony, lack of motivation and a drive to move on. This sort of burnout can creep up on you, slowly changing the way you …

Common Fitness Myths Debunked

Have you not come across a new weight loss tip, which guarantees you weight loss or even single digit fat percentages by investing only a couple of minutes in the gym? Most of these are myths, which have never been …

What are your most important Fitness Goals?

When it comes to fitness goals, more than three fourth of the people I come across are confused as to what they want. How will you get there, if you do not know where you are going?Working on your own …

Common Sense rules of Fat burn

Burning fat is an ongoing endeavor. To keep it going through the day you need to eat every 2-3 hours, by ensuring that you choose the right food and timing. Since losing weight is the number one concern, with most …

Why and how Alcohol negates the exercise habit

If you belong to the section of people who exercise but end up drinking beer or any other kind of alcohol, then this blog should help you decide on which of the two is more important.

I have come across …

Bring the workout to you

Do you belong to the group of people who work 40 + hours every week? Do you  feel you can catch up on being healthy at a later stage, once you settle down?  Well do not be surprised –  you …

Simple truth about exercise

Everyone knows that regular exercise is good not only from a physical standpoint but also from an emotional level. However somewhere in the journey called life, we tend to ignore this. Are you guilty of walking the same path ? …

Eat healthy to strengthen your Emotional Muscle.

Are you aware that eating 5-6 servings of fruits & vegetables in a day will help in altering the mood of an individual drastically? I have seen an amazing transformation of the emotional thought process with myself and my own …

How to work on a sluggish Metabolism

Are you aware that your body burns calories more efficiently, as long as you do not get in its way? Metabolism is the natural way of burning more calories and over the years, I have noticed that some of the …

How to break bad Food habits?

This article is primarily for people who eat without giving much thought to what they  eat & mostly succumb automatically to the hand to mouth motion. Of late I have observed that most people who are stressed, tend to move …

Why eating raw food is always a healthy choice

Have you eaten raw food at times & felt more energised at the end of the day?Well in this case I am talking of raw vegan food and sorry to disappoint some of you, it is not about Sushi.

I …

How does one sharpen the brain?

Let’s admit that the one thing which all of us want is to ensure that we have an edge over others when it comes to thinking right and fast. One thing which actually differentiates the wheat from the chaff is …

How to overcome Workout Laziness?

When it comes to regular exercise, people do  come up with excuses and more excuses. What if I could tell you that I was in the same boat a couple of years ago, but managed to overcome this by making …

Have you activated the Antivirus for the Mind?

Are you aware of the devastation of your thoughts when it becomes Negative or self destructive? Off late this has become a kind of a virus that is afflicting people who do not lead a healthy life.

Working with people …

What is Wellness Coaching all about?

When I  tell people what I do for a living, most of the them stop in their tracks & Yes you guessed it ask  – “what the heck is a Wellness Coach ?“ The best I can do about this …

How being fit & going green complement each other

As some of you already know, over the last few years I have been working on making my life simpler.I have tried to achieve this, by working towards being fitter,healthier and most importantly becoming a complete vegetarian. All these things …

Being healthy & fit is not Rocket science

Over the last couple of years I have worked with quite a lot of people and made them realize that being healthy, both at  the Emotional & Physical level  is just about following 3 fundamental rules. Yes, if you can …

Work on the Change Muscle

Our physical muscle tends to become stronger with repeated use and this is as you know is a “No brainer”. However when I talk of the change muscle, I tend to get people’s attention because this is something which not …

How do you Re Energize yourself

Working with people over the years has made me realize that our energy levels are not constant and tend to waver as the day progresses. Therefore how would it be, if you could ensure that your energy levels are constant …

Let go of the past and focus on the future

My recent post on Letting go of the past on my Facebook Page got some amazing response & got me thinking why not write a Blog on the same. Working with people in Redesigning their lives, has made me aware …

Are you knocking at the door of chronic stress?

As a Life & Wellness Coach, people get in touch with me for various challenges they are facing in their life. When working with people one gets some great insights and experience. One common factor which drives people over the …

Some easy habits to develop for a healthy Life

Our lifestyle around us is changing so rapidly that it has become  a major concern. We are compromising on our health, upkeep of which is not such a struggle as so many people do  put across. Ask me how? Well …

How to stay on the lasting road of Wellness

This is for those of you who have reached the pinnacle of your goals, say a healthy body weight ratio, toned body or even running a marathon. What do you do after you accomplish success? Does time suddenly come to …

Why being fit is not complicated

I had an interesting discussion on fitness with one of my callers who had tried everything under the sun to become fit but had failed in the effort. She mentioned that Health & fitness was way too complicated. Well as …

How do you manage Work Life Balance?

I met up a friend recently who, though as Young as me, looked jaded and worn out .When I asked him what happened to him in the last decade, he replied with the all too familiar story of how his …

Can you help me gain weight?

Off late I get many queries from people who, yes you read it right, want to gain weight. No I am not talking about Martians here, but people like you and me who are slightly different because their body structure …

Simple steps to make your Brain more efficient

For all practical purposes Your brain is still a muscle and I strongly believe that, just like certain exercises activate the muscles in a body, doing certain things on a daily basis makes your brain sharper. I have experienced this …

Some simple exercise programs for beginner’s

It’s been a long journey with regular exercise now very much a part of my daily life. This has drastically improved my overall life. Exercise can be just about anything which has some kind of movement. Yoga gets included in …

Have you tried eating healthy at a social gathering?

With New Year round the corner and the holiday season approaching there are innumerable opportunities for people to have a party for just about any reason. It was during a discussion with an overseas client who happened to dread this …

Why it’s time to kick sugar out of your life.

Sugar is all around us in the form of sweets, refined food and mostly in our kitchen as granules or blocks. Since it has become such an integral part of our life we do not consider it to be our …

Walk through your sedentary lifestyle

Life’s comforts and technology have made most of us lead a sedentary lifestyle which is one of the prime reasons for the alarming rate of obesity in Urban cities .Changing a habit which has made you comfortable is not a …

Do not blame yourself if you are overweight

From being overweight and unfit a couple of years ago I can safely testify that it is not easy to change over to a new leaf overnight. Most people you meet might say that it is just about being motivated …

How to not look like a pregnant duck.

What is striking off late is the amounts of fat people are putting in their midsection. I know for a fact that this one area that is most  noticeable more than anything else. When I was asked by a good …

How to work on nipping depression in the bud

One of the curses of our fast paced lives, multi tasking, unhealthy habits and Yes genetics is depression. This is the leading health issue in corporate India. I am sure most of you are surprised to hear this but i …

How do you make your workouts more effective?

One of the biggest reasons which puts off most people from working out is the false notion that they need to spend hours in the gym or the outdoors to become fitter. On the contrary it is not true and …