My All Time 25 Fitness Tips

When it comes to being healthy there is definitely no “one glove fits all”. However since I have been working with people over the years closely who are stressed and are pushed towards living an unhealthy lifestyle some of these …

5 Lessons To Learn Sooner Than Later In Life

One of the most common thoughts I did hear from a majority of my own clients over the years was “Satish, If I had only learnt this early in my life, I would not have wasted all my time on …

Challenge Yourself To Learn Something New

Learning is a never-ending process and one should always be open to learn and also unlearn. When the opportunity does arise one should never give up to grab with both the hands. Our High Performance Alchemy Masterclass which is on …

Be So Positive That Negativity Doesn’t Affect You!

Of late, the phrases “Be positive”, “Life is awesome!”, “I am really excited!” and so on have become quite common. Sometimes, it may seem like how can anyone be so positive all the time?

Are people merely putting on an …

Can Individual Transformation Help An Organization?

Many clients have come to me for coaching in the past. Their common expectation is “I wan’t to contribute more to my organization but am not able to. I work really hard but it’s still difficult to meet my targets.”…

Here Is How To Rewire Your Brain For Success

How successful you are often depends on your emotional state. The emotional state is directly connected to the state of your mind. So, if you are someone looking at success outside you, then you are trying to find the pot …

5 Easy Ways To Burn More Fat And Get Lean

To sustain good health it is imperative that you develop some key good habits, which will help you to lose weight or in some cases simply maintain the weight loss which you have already achieved.

Over the year’s working with …

Why It’s Time To Make Protein Your Best Friend

Last week one of my Face Book Page Posts  on Protein did generate a lot of interest and got  me lot of queries offline with respect to natural vegetarian source of protein. Like I had mentioned previously, the data continue …

5 Keys To Feel Like The Incredible Hulk

Every morning when you start your day, you REALLY want to feel like the Incredible Hulk.

You want to feel like a hero who is ready to seize the day.

And here’s the most important bit – You really want …

5 Things You Can Do Starting Today To Get More Done

Would you like to learn how to get more done? Do you struggle to keep up with your commitments despite of having the best intentions?

The inability to get stuff done is a pandemic in our modern society. More and …

How To Make Meditation A Daily Habit

Do you believe in the power of meditation but find yourself struggling to make it a habit? If yes, you’re not alone.

There are so many people that I speak to on a day to day basis who believe that …

How To Lose Weight Even When You’re A Super Busy Executive

Almost all executives have little or no control over their lifestyles. Their schedules are often crazy, hectic and unmanageable.

For every single project they complete, three new ones crop up and they’re always busy catching up. The severe pressure leads …

4 Practical Steps To Lose Weight

Are you someone that’s struggling with your weight? If so, you’re not alone.

You’re one among the vast majority of entrepreneurs and executives that struggle with their weight.

It’s not easy to be overweight and lead a happy and content …

Are You Over Thinking The Weight Loss Process?

When it comes to health and fitness, people do have questions and lots of them. More often than not I do see that people are confused more than ever for the simple reason that there is too much of information …

Losing Motivation At Work?

Here’s How To Bust Stress And Take Your Performance To The Next Level

Are you an entrepreneur or an executive who typically eats a rushed lunch hunched over the keyboard? Do you find yourself too swamped with work to take …

Here’s How Your Corporate Career Is Slowly Killing You

If you’re like most corporate professionals or modern entrepreneurs, it’s likely that you spend a lot of your time sitting and working.

Almost all of the activities we do in our professional career involves 90% sitting – whether it’s taking …

Three steps to a Good night sleep.

Do you stay up late in the night, watching television or glued to your smartphone? No matter how hard you have been trying to regularise your sleep pattern you are slipping back in no time.

In my work as a …

How Exercise changed me from inside out

Are you someone who knows that you need to exercise regularly, but somehow can’t make time for it? Well don’t worry; I too was stuck with the same predicament a couple of years ago.

First things first – remember that …

What is Soulful Living?

I was asked this question in one of my seminars, during the Q&A session. Even though I could not do justice to this question then,  I had promised myself that I would try and get this message across in my …

3 reasons you are not losing weight

Have you been trying to lose weight but can’t seem to figure out why you’ve been unsuccessful? The answer isn’t the fad diet you’ve attempted, nor is it a simple matter of willpower.

Working with people over the years, has …

Re-work your relation with Food

Do you struggle to be in control with what you eat? Well most people tend to stray when it comes to unhealthy eating.

What causes the most damage, when it comes to your wellbeing is when you begin to associate …

3 Actions Steps to Exercise

The One question that always intrigues me is – why do some people tend to be more active, move around the day & stick to their workouts, while others tend to struggle to even get up from their chairs?

People …

Your Health is always in your Hands

What is the answer you get when you ask yourself, how healthy are you? Step back & ask yourself this question. It will take less than a minute.

The reason I am touching upon this topic is that a recent …

Ladies, it’s time to be healthy

If you are a woman overloaded with work on the personal & professional front and the last thing on your mind is your health, then you should be reading this Blog Article.

With Women’s day round the corner, it is …

Overcome Stress before it overcomes you

Stress more often than not is bound to keep us on our feet. Over the years, most of us have allowed it to become a Frankenstein within each of us. If you are feeling numb, indecisive, suffering from weight issues …

Smart Food Rules to Live by

Do you go through a guilt trip & saddled with Emotions, when you slip up on your food intake? Well, you will be surprised to know that most of us follow ancient advice, when it comes to food intake & …

Are you living Life in Denial Mode

I come across, far too many people living in the “Denial Mode” which is nothing but avoiding the truth, procrastinating and eventually delaying taking tough decisions. If this sounds familiar, then it is time to switch modes.

All of us, …

Sleep is the foundation of strong and healthy living

 I come across many people, who think that they can get away with about 4-5 hours of sleep, live life aggressively and make the best use of their limited  time. If you are walking this tight rope, then it’s time …

What do you choose to do from today?

About three years ago, I choose to live my life on my terms and even though it has been a very different life professionally, it has been more fulfilling, satisfying & forthcoming.

Many times when people reach out to me, …

Are you knocking on the Burnout door?

Burnouts are common nowadays with stress level’s hitting the roof. It is related to feelings of monotony, lack of motivation and a drive to move on. This sort of burnout can creep up on you, slowly changing the way you …

What are your most important Fitness Goals?

When it comes to fitness goals, more than three fourth of the people I come across are confused as to what they want. How will you get there, if you do not know where you are going?Working on your own …

My journey through the Introvert highway

Being an introvert is not a shortcoming as long as you know when to switch modes, when it comes to making an impression with people.If you are the kind of person who believes that the business world is not for …

Why and how Alcohol negates the exercise habit

If you belong to the section of people who exercise but end up drinking beer or any other kind of alcohol, then this blog should help you decide on which of the two is more important.

I have come across …

Work on a productive overdrive

Do you often feel overworked, overwhelmed and overloaded? Most of the people who are not able to manage their time and personal productivity, go through this learning curve. With Multitasking being the new buzzword, this is bound to get worse.…

Bring the workout to you

Do you belong to the group of people who work 40 + hours every week? Do you  feel you can catch up on being healthy at a later stage, once you settle down?  Well do not be surprised –  you …

What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger

A Crisis will hit you when you least expect it. Can one be prepared to handle any crisis and come out stronger?

A Crisis can either make or break us. How you manage the whole cycle will eventually make you …

Simple truth about exercise

Everyone knows that regular exercise is good not only from a physical standpoint but also from an emotional level. However somewhere in the journey called life, we tend to ignore this. Are you guilty of walking the same path ? …

Get your positive gears turning?

If you thought that being an optimist was ingrained in our genes, you can’t be more wrong. Having an optimistic mindset, can make one improve drastically in a very short period of time and the pure energy one radiates, will …

Work on your body to improve any situation

Are you stressed out due to situations around you and feel that you are walking through a minefield most part of the day? Well at most times when you begin to work things from the inside, you give yourself a …

How to work towards a Calmer you

Being calm is not something with which all of us are bestowed but something each one of us can work towards and eventually master. Haven’t you wished many a time that a calmer response or reaction could have altered the …

Membership rules for the “Super Achievers Club”

Who are super achievers and what do they do differently? Well working with some of the biggest super achievers in their respective fields, over the last couple of years, has thrown some amazing insights which I will detail in the …

Work on your Will Power Muscle

Have you gone through the experience of starting with a healthy habit and in no time going back to where you began or worse much further back? Well, do not be surprised as I have gone through this learning curve …

It is time to face your fears

Are you always chained to your fears which stop you from making the biggest changes in your life?

Well … fret not because you are not alone. Having worked with people in helping them overcome some of their biggest fears, …

How do you move out of your comfort zone?

My last Blog got some amazing response from my readers, especially with respect to the – “Frog in hot water syndrome” words that I had used. What I meant by that was by being in your comfort zone over a …

Why Motivation is not just a 10 letter word?

Do you feel motivated in some areas & the exact opposite in other areas? Well do not fret,I come across lot of people who do find themselves with the same predicament.

Motivation is a state of mind and I believe …

Why do women find it more difficult to lose weight?

Have you been asking this question more often than not and perplexed to find that there no one realistic answer? Well worry not, I get more calls from women, especially on this one particular issue, and will  try & address …

How does Life Coaching Work?

Is there some aspect of your life you would like to change or improve, but do not know where to start? Do you have a goal or a wish that  somehow seems out of your grasp? Well if you have …

Meditation:The key to Emotional Well-being

I am a big advocate of the meditation habit. Most of my clients and readers would have realized by now that I believe that meditation is a great way to begin & end one’s day. In fact, I would even …

How do you create a lasting change in your life

One of the most important things people want to do is, to change their life and make it last. Change as I Know, can be different to different people. Some of the people I work with would love to change …

Are you living up to your potential?

When I ask the people I work with this question, I usually get a vague answer. This is because Potential is something which cannot be measured or quantified. However when you realize your own strength can  change your belief structure, …

Learning’s from writing my 100th Blog article

It’s been slightly more than a year since I began writing on Self development and health related topics. When I look back, I cannot imagine that I am actually writing my 100th Blog article today. There have been some …

Let go of the past and focus on the future

My recent post on Letting go of the past on my Facebook Page got some amazing response & got me thinking why not write a Blog on the same. Working with people in Redesigning their lives, has made me aware …

The Art of Sound Sleep

I have been coming across more and more people who have a major issue in this one area, compared to all other areas put together.

Once there is a disturbance in the sleep pattern, there is a cascading effect on …

How to get unstuck in life?

Achievement is always a steady surge and Rome was not built in a day. These were my words to a caller,who had called me saying that she felt stuck in life  and incapacitated to do just about anything. I come …

Can we as women be healthy?

I do receive more calls from women, who intend to get healthy and lead a stress free life off late and the last call I had this week was from a young working mother with an extremely stressful life who …

How to stay on the lasting road of Wellness

This is for those of you who have reached the pinnacle of your goals, say a healthy body weight ratio, toned body or even running a marathon. What do you do after you accomplish success? Does time suddenly come to …

Stop comparing yourself to others

The one thing, one can do to click on their own low confidence switch is to compare someone’s strength to their own weakness. I have noticed this so many times over the years and was myself not immune to this …

Simple steps to make your Brain more efficient

For all practical purposes Your brain is still a muscle and I strongly believe that, just like certain exercises activate the muscles in a body, doing certain things on a daily basis makes your brain sharper. I have experienced this …

Why breakfast is the first step towards a healthy you

 I have realized that many people begin their day on an empty stomach. They do not give much Importance to the most important meal of the day which according to me is a good balanced Breakfast. When I began to …

Make 2013 the year of change .

What caught my attention in one of the daily’s this morning was that 3 out of the top 5 New Year resolutions was health related. It started off with being fit to improve health and ended with losing weight. With …

Why a good nights sleep is the Key to your overall health

What I have noticed is the less importance people give to a regular night’s sleep which is critical to the overall development of anybody.. Repeated research over the years has consistently shown that sleep plays a vital role in promoting …

Open your world to new possibilities

How is that some of us create possibilities and others only react when things happen. Well, I am a strong believer that you can create your life’s blueprint just the way you want and not react to things that have …

Do not blame yourself if you are overweight

From being overweight and unfit a couple of years ago I can safely testify that it is not easy to change over to a new leaf overnight. Most people you meet might say that it is just about being motivated …

How to not look like a pregnant duck.

What is striking off late is the amounts of fat people are putting in their midsection. I know for a fact that this one area that is most  noticeable more than anything else. When I was asked by a good …

Some great ways to be happy by being Selfless

When I saw a car owner chastising a parking attendant yesterday for a trivial issue which could have been ignored, I realized that by being a little forgiving the young gentleman in his flashy car could have made his evening …

Lean and Fit is the In thing

When this question is asked to people, I am sure that more than 80 percent want to become lean and fit, including me. Working on this health goal is not Rocket science but it requires some careful adjustments in our …

How to work on your personal Goals

One of the biggest issues that most people face when they put their mind to pursuing their personal goals is lack of time and focus. This was exactly what was discussed by me with one of my clients last week …

How do you make your workouts more effective?

One of the biggest reasons which puts off most people from working out is the false notion that they need to spend hours in the gym or the outdoors to become fitter. On the contrary it is not true and …

How to jump over the Resistance Hurdle.

I have often come across people resisting change and inadvertently procrastinating. They are unable to take decisions which they know will change their life for the better. They are unable to manage the resistance hurdle which in their mind’s eye …

How to manage through small empowering changes

Have you ever read a book or a blog post and felt a profound sense of clarity—like you knew exactly what you needed to do—only to find yourself feeling paralyzed by the same old struggles hours or days later? Have …

How to Live you your Life Consciously

Do you ever feel that you’re drifting through life and not going where you want to go Or worse you don’t know how you got to where you are today?

Living consciously is about taking control of your life, about …

Yoga for Gen X to Z

When I started practicing Yoga about 2 years back, I never dreamt that one day I would be sitting with my Laptop on a wonderful Tuesday afternoon and going Ga Ga about it. Even though I don’t consider myself an

Simple steps to start the exercise Habit

What prompted me to write this article is that of late, I realised that people do not have a clue as to how exactly to start an exercise habit. It is easier said than done since it is a lifestyle

How to ensure your Life is always organised

It is rare to find a person who is organised in every area of his/her life. At times one tends to be extremely organised at work but the exact opposite regarding their domestic front. I have been working on being

How to create an empowering Vision

Many times I think about our purpose in Life or whether we have specific tasks to accomplish in this world before we move on. I strongly believe that each one of us is guided by our inner voice to chart

The Rule of One

Most of you, at times will be overwhelmed by the number of things you need to accomplish in a 24 hour day. If you feel exhausted by the sheer number of things you need to do in a given day, 

Healthy lifestyle for the Women in your life

Yesterday I happened to meet a pretty young girl who had a mindset that it is difficult for Indian women to lose weight and look lean. Even though I did not agree with her, I did make her realise