Super Easy Steps To Be Healthy At Work

The biggest challenge most of the working people face is, how to be healthy when one spends so much time at work which includes  commuting as well. Over the years, the biggest obstacle in every one’s mind when it comes …

Fear is just an illusion in your mind

I have realized over the years that the mere fact of facing up to the fear will make most of us freeze in our paths towards being more decisive. More than often,the fear of action makes many people lead a …

5 Ways To Wake Up Feeling Awesome And Energized.

Are you aware that the first one hour on waking up is what sets you up, to make the day most productive? Well! I have been writing over the years, about doing the right things before going to sleep and also during the …

Here Is How To Get Motivated And Stay Motivated

Recently, I received a call from my friend Jimmesh Sarvotam who was my school mate and later also my batch mate during my college days. We had studied together for almost a decade plus and Jimmesh was always the studious …

How Do You Prepare For Life’s Ups And Downs?

Richard Sengupta reached out to me couple of weeks back and during the conversation he did mention that “Satish in the last 6 months I have gone through the worst of times and also the best of the times” Now …

Here Is How To Make 2018 Your Breakthrough Year

Raghu reached out to me couple of months back for Executive Coaching. He was heading the Technical Team in his company. His concern was that his team-mates were not showing much enthusiasm towards their job. I asked him the nature …

Be So Positive That Negativity Doesn’t Affect You!

Of late, the phrases “Be positive”, “Life is awesome!”, “I am really excited!” and so on have become quite common. Sometimes, it may seem like how can anyone be so positive all the time?

Are people merely putting on an …

7 Reasons Which Prevent You From Being More Confident

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life

– Marcus Garvey

If there is one life skill which propels you up the success ladder, it is building confidence! However, this particular life …

Can Individual Transformation Help An Organization?

Many clients have come to me for coaching in the past. Their common expectation is “I wan’t to contribute more to my organization but am not able to. I work really hard but it’s still difficult to meet my targets.”…

10 Steps For An Amazing Life Transformation

More and more people are finding it difficult to stay in the present and stay focused. I do keep hearing this again and again. “Satish! I do find it next to impossible to stay focused and am overwhelmed with things …

The Minimalist Guide To 2x Your Health Quotient

Everybody does know that it’s a gargantuan task to make big changes in life to become healthier. However, if I tell you that the opposite does work more effectively, at least some of you might be interested to know more.…

Lose Weight & Gain Energy – 5 Simple Ways

Are you someone who is looking at losing weight and having more  energy? Well! Who does not want it? One of the most common health goals of all my clients,over the last 5 years has been to lose weight and …

Emotional Intelligence Your Key To Be Successful In Life

Are you aware  that Emotional Intelligence is what separates  the best performers from the rest of the pack.

Emotional Intelligence is something which cannot be measured easily. However it does play a critical role in how each one of us …

5 Easy Ways To Burn More Fat And Get Lean

To sustain good health it is imperative that you develop some key good habits, which will help you to lose weight or in some cases simply maintain the weight loss which you have already achieved.

Over the year’s working with …

Do You Procrastinate? 7 Surprising Reasons Behind It

One of the biggest challenge people face when it comes to being successful is that they tend to procrastinate. You might be someone who has picked up this habit recently or someone who has worked on it diligently over the …

5 Things To Do Before Breakfast To Win Every Day.

Over the last few weeks I have been personally interviewing some of the biggest CEO’s & Business Entrepreneurs for my upcoming book and the one factor which is not surprising and the common denominator is the way each one of …

Here Is How To Improve Your Likable Factor

Over the years I have come across far too many people who do believe that being likable is a natural ingrained trait that few lucky ones are born with.

However the reality is far from the truth. I am more …

4 Key Habits For Creating Personal And Professional Success

Over the years, I have worked with several executives and entrepreneurs.

Some of whom were extremely successful professionally but their personal life was nothing great .

At the same time, there have also been clients whose family life is brilliant, …

5 Step Process Guaranteed To Boost Your Self Confidence

Over the years I have  come across many top level executives or Entrepreneurs who have worked hard to get to the top  but somewhere down the line, certain incidents or life experiences would have dented their own self confidence which …

Here’s How To Reinvent Yourself In 5 steps

Are you unhappy with your current life situation? It might be your job, your business, your health or your relationships.

If you’re not satisfied with the results you are getting in any of these areas, it’s time to introspect and …

How To Burn A Lot Of Fat Fast Without Exercise

Would you like to learn about how you can burn fat without any exercise at all? Does the above statement sound like a fake one?

If you’re like most people, your “I do not believe it!” radar would have gone …

How To Redesign Your Life

Are you frustrated with your current life situation? Do you feel dissatisfied with your lifestyle?

If yes, you’re not alone. In the last few years, I have worked with many people just like you. They came to me because they …

5 Things You Can Do Starting Today To Get More Done

Would you like to learn how to get more done? Do you struggle to keep up with your commitments despite of having the best intentions?

The inability to get stuff done is a pandemic in our modern society. More and …

How To Prepare Your Mind For Peak Performance

There isn’t a lot of difference between YOU and Virat Kohli.

Both of you are required to perform at your highest levels continually. People higher in the food-chain expect you to produce the best results and questions are asked when …

How To Make Meditation A Daily Habit

Do you believe in the power of meditation but find yourself struggling to make it a habit? If yes, you’re not alone.

There are so many people that I speak to on a day to day basis who believe that …

3 Ways To Bounce Back From Anything In Life

Resilience is the word that defines one’s ability to rise again strongly after being knocked down.

Confucius, once spoke of resilience as our greatest glory. These were his words, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising

How To Develop Emotional Maturity

Emotional maturity is one of the things that determines the quality of your life.

It can be defined as one’s ability to experience a full range of emotions from delight to grief without losing your head.

Over the years, I’ve …

Here Is How To Reset The Clock Of Aging

Every now and then when I interact with New Gen Entrepreneurs or Corporate Executives  one thing is certain that most are lot less healthy than the previous generations.

Being fit affects how you look, the way you move and eventually …

Are You Over Thinking The Weight Loss Process?

When it comes to health and fitness, people do have questions and lots of them. More often than not I do see that people are confused more than ever for the simple reason that there is too much of information …

Here’s How To Escape the Fake Goal Trap

Most people are stressed because they are overwhelmed with the number of things they need to do in the given 24 hour day. If the tasks in hand does stress you out, then you need to remember that working on …

4 Ways To Overcome Frustrating Challenges And Lead An Abundant Life

Are you feeling frustrated with your life right now?

Almost everybody goes through terrible, frustrating challenges.

But there’s a huge difference between those who succeed and those who struggle…

Successful people refuse to let these challenges hold them back.

On …

Make Your Day Focused,Humble and Productive

This Weird Little Hack Makes You 2X Productive Almost Instantaneously

Are you struggling to stay focussed and productive?

Then, I have an easy to use weird little hack that will make you 2X more productive almost instantaneously.

But before

Obliterate Procrastination!

4 Quick And Easy Steps To Overcome Procrastination And Get More Done, Period!

Almost every one of us procrastinates at some point in our lives. Even though we recognize the importance of doing something, we have an inherent tendency/temptation to …

4 Key Traits Of Highly Successful People

Over the years, I have personally worked with various successful people… some of whom are pioneers in their respective fields and from those experiences, I have come to one conclusion:

Successful people operate differently. They have certain key habits that …

How To Change Yourself Successfully

Are you someone who thrives on constant change or someone who abhors it? Some of the greatest game-changing shifts happen when you begin to adapt to the situation and work from where you are with what you already have.

Whether …

Enjoy the ride of your Life

Do you see your life through a mindset of scarcity or one of abundance? Most people walk through life with constant fear of tomorrow since they do not know what is in the making.

When you do not know as …

Are you balanced in life?

Working on being balanced in life is different for each one of us. Most according to me want to be productive in their professional or personal lives by not compromising much in their Emotional & physical states.

Maintaining a fine …

Lasting Change takes time.

Change is always good,especially when it is an empowering one. However how many of you are ready to invest time & effort to work on your biggest changes which will completely flip your life for good?

Even though people get …

How Exercise changed me from inside out

Are you someone who knows that you need to exercise regularly, but somehow can’t make time for it? Well don’t worry; I too was stuck with the same predicament a couple of years ago.

First things first – remember that …

Bounce your way back from failure

Failure can be painful for most of us and more often than not the biggest mistake people make is to stay hurt & be in a state of Non-inertia for way  too long.

Failure can hurt, if you are emotionally …

3 tips to be a smart learner

Humans are creatures of habit. We tend to do the same things and are bound to get the same results. When it comes to learning an empowering habit or action, it is imperative, that we work towards learning a smarter …

Food intake can make or break you

Are you aware that the food you consume, can have a massive impact on your productivity at the physical & Emotional level by 20-30 percent at the very least?

Like automobiles which run on good fuel, it is the quality, …

What is Soulful Living?

I was asked this question in one of my seminars, during the Q&A session. Even though I could not do justice to this question then,  I had promised myself that I would try and get this message across in my …

3 Happiness Rules To Live By

Most want Happiness but few can figure out how to live it. In my experience it is not the biggest things which will make a person happy but small things. I have known people who have everything in this world …

Develop an Abundance Mindset

Are you aware that the more you cling onto things in your life; the more you are creating a mindset of scarcity? This mindset is more often than not, based on fear.

I have noticed over the years that when …

Choose Optimism Over Negativity

If you are consistently leaning towards negative thoughts or even actions, remember it is your choice & before you can realise, you become extremely good at it.

Even though the human mind is extremely adaptive, it somehow tends to follow …

Learn to Ride the Momentum Wave

Transformation in life begins in picking a Momentum wave & riding it. Have you been stuck with a vision, dream or even a Life goal, for lack of momentum? Well fear not, I have walked this path before.

You might …

Success does leave clues

Are you looking at being extremely successful in your chosen field & wish you had a user manual to refer to in times of need? Most want to, but they also do not know how to.

Working as a Life …

Being Assertive can completely transform your Life

Assertiveness is a trait which goes hand in hand with our belief & values. Have you been caught napping, at a time in your life when a little more Assertiveness would have done you a world of good?

I have …

Are you walking the “Burnout” Road?

Are you aware that each one of us will eventually come face to face with a Burnout in our life? If we do not take it seriously, it eventually can put us out of commission.

Burnouts are common nowadays. I …

Predict Your Future by creating it.

Without a bright future in sight, most people get disillusioned and negative. Well there is always a better response and that is to create your future.Which tribe, do you think you belong to?Read on to find out more.

When we …

Are you overwhelmed by Negativity?

At times, I wonder why there is so much Negativity around us & what is stopping people from shifting towards joy & happiness?

You are not alone, if you tend to get influenced in your thoughts & actions when there …

Stress Survival Plan

Stress has become a part of so many people’s lives that they have began to accept it. I am sure that, only a few know that Stress takes a toll on more than just your mood.

The number one issue …

Overcome the Success roadblocks for the year ahead.

With the New Year round the corner I am sure most of you are working towards making the next twelve months the most successful. However if you are aware of the trap doors, you will be in a better position …

It is never too late for course correction

Are you aware that regular course correction is what ultimately gets an airplane to its destination? I was surprised to know this and realised that creating an ideal future can often make present problems irrelevant.

Often I am approached by …

What do you choose to do from today?

About three years ago, I choose to live my life on my terms and even though it has been a very different life professionally, it has been more fulfilling, satisfying & forthcoming.

Many times when people reach out to me, …

Rewire Your Mind & Erase Negative Thoughts

Being negative is a choice rather than a chance for most people. Being negative can be extremely detrimental to one’s life. Over the years, I have seen that having a negative approach to life will create more problems and influence …

Build good habits for life

All of us know that building good positive habits can be a herculean task, especially if you are looking at sticking with them permanently. However over the years whilst working with my clients, I have developed simple strategies which each …

My journey through the Introvert highway

Being an introvert is not a shortcoming as long as you know when to switch modes, when it comes to making an impression with people.If you are the kind of person who believes that the business world is not for …

Get Motivated & stay that way

Have you had days where you are absolutely motivated and felt you could do just about anything? Well all of us go through these patches at times in our lives but somehow miss out on ensuring that we stay motivated …

Work on your Will Power Muscle

Have you gone through the experience of starting with a healthy habit and in no time going back to where you began or worse much further back? Well, do not be surprised as I have gone through this learning curve …

How do you beat the Anxious Bug?

Do you get often bitten by the anxious bug? Well we all, at some point of time guilty  in this area; However the truth is, you do not need to go through this and it is easy to beat anxiety …

How to overcome Negative thoughts and Actions

Have you been struggling with managing your Negative thoughts and Actions lately? Well worry not,Negative thoughts are normal and most of us, at some point of time, tend to have it. some of us are more conditioned to think Negatively …

Simple strategies to flip around your Life completely.

Working with a substantial number of people, over the years, in helping them change their lives has made me absolutely certain that there are clear strategies one can do to improve. These are – think more positively, be more focused …

Why discipline is the key to be successful

Over the last couple of weeks I have observed that some of the most successful people, be it in sports or in the corporate world have been sabotaging their success. The one glaring common feature I have noticed with people …

How is your relationship with food?

What I have seen over the years with most people I have come in contact with, is that most of them relate any problem in life to food. I see a trend of emotional eating highly prevalent especially with the …

Learning’s from writing my 100th Blog article

It’s been slightly more than a year since I began writing on Self development and health related topics. When I look back, I cannot imagine that I am actually writing my 100th Blog article today. There have been some …

How to get unstuck in life?

Achievement is always a steady surge and Rome was not built in a day. These were my words to a caller,who had called me saying that she felt stuck in life  and incapacitated to do just about anything. I come …

Are you proud of your own progress?

Most of the time, we tend to be hard on ourselves and do not realize, how far we have come from where we had initially started. It could be working  on ourselves or spending more time with our

Some lessons learnt as I walked away from a car crash

In more than two decades of driving, I’ve never had a serious accident. Occasionally the thought did occur to me and I came close to this two days back. An overspending hatchback rear ended our vehicle, which was pulled off …

How do you train yourself to be more positive?

One thing which people value the most according to me  is to just be positive. I have had some people over the years telling me that “You know, it does not matter if I lose everything, but I need to …

Some lessons learnt from leaving my corporate Job

I have been receiving a number of calls from people who unfortunately have succumbed to the market condition and lost their jobs. I feel for them from the bottom of my heart, but according to me, the most important thing …

Stop comparing yourself to others

The one thing, one can do to click on their own low confidence switch is to compare someone’s strength to their own weakness. I have noticed this so many times over the years and was myself not immune to this …

It’s time to stop the blame game

Have you noticed someone who always blames others for their shortcomings? Well do not be surprised, there are quite a few around  us who do not take responsibility for their actions and find solace in blaming others.
Over the last …

How to be absolutely focused in times of adversity

As an individual One is sure to face major obstacles in their life journey. This, if worked on properly, can make you stronger in the days to come. I generally see people who are absolutely focused on their short or …

Why breakfast is the first step towards a healthy you

 I have realized that many people begin their day on an empty stomach. They do not give much Importance to the most important meal of the day which according to me is a good balanced Breakfast. When I began to …

Have you tried eating healthy at a social gathering?

With New Year round the corner and the holiday season approaching there are innumerable opportunities for people to have a party for just about any reason. It was during a discussion with an overseas client who happened to dread this …

How to work on your personal Goals

One of the biggest issues that most people face when they put their mind to pursuing their personal goals is lack of time and focus. This was exactly what was discussed by me with one of my clients last week …

How to create a peaceful relaxed Workday

Last week when I discussed this with one of my Coaching Clients, he was surprised and ended up asking me if there is something called as a relaxed Workday at all. Well my intention is not to disappoint many of …

How to jump over the Resistance Hurdle.

I have often come across people resisting change and inadvertently procrastinating. They are unable to take decisions which they know will change their life for the better. They are unable to manage the resistance hurdle which in their mind’s eye …

How to overcome negative thoughts and turn it positive

Getting negative thoughts is very common  but being aware  and working on overcoming it is what every one should work on diligently.What made me put on a thinking cap was a conversation   I overheard  of a young person in the